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A Read the text and try to guess the meaning of any new words in the box below. Refer to the Glossary if necessary.

dot pixel display resolution cathode ray tube electron beam scan (verb) hertz refresh rate flicker bit-mapped visualize

В Read the text again and answer these questions.

1 According to the writer, what is the importance of 'pixel resolution'?

2 Which unit of frequency is used to measure the refresh rate of a monitor?

3 In the writer's opinion, why can a low refresh rate produce eye fatigue?

4 What substance is hit by electrons in a monitor?

5 What is the standard display system for many PCs?

6 What does 'LCD' stand for? What type of computers use LCD displays?

5.Д/з: переклад, переказ, повторення граматичного аспекту (нижче).


Граматика: Superlatives.

simple white loud interesting good (well) bad (badly) many( much) little far simpler whiter louder more interesting better worse more less farther further simplest whitest loudest the most interesting best worst most least farthest furthest
  Нечисленні винятки:  
common   commoner more common commonest most common


Роздатковий матеріал до заняття № 21

1. Warming-up.

Translate from English into Russian:

to convert, to manipulate, image, screen, measurement device, a dot, a series of dots, to activate, digitized image, to generate, manufacturer. treating, software, rotating lamps, filter, character.

2. Thematic presentation:

Describe the screen of your computer. Use the questions to help yourself:

Is it a color or monochrome monitor?

What size is it?

Does it produce a high quality image?

A Read the text and try to guess the meaning of any new words in the box below. Refer to the Glossary if necessary.

dot pixel display resolution cathode ray tube electron beam scan (verb) hertz refresh rate flicker bit-mapped visualize


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