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Роздатковий матеріал до заняття № 25

Variant 1 Variant 2
1.Translate into Ukrainian
1. software; 2. hardware ; 3. data ; 4. to accept dataі; 5. to process the information і; 6. to run a program ; 7. computers memory 8. to perform a set of instructions ; 9. screen ; 10. central processing unite ; 11. main memory ; 12. to execute program instructions ; 13. peripherals ; 14. storage devices ; 15. floppy disk; 16. disk drives ; 17. input/output devices ; 18. to give real-time information ; 19. drug detection test ; 20. to store information ; 21. the amount of money ;   1. notion 2. binary system 3. notation circuit 4. switch 5. current character 6. gigabytes 7. storage capacity 8. wire 9. megabytes 10. kilobyte 11. to be represented as 12. digit decimal system ['desiməl] 13. arrangement 14. lap 15. to avoid 16. to arrange 17. paste 18. to issue commands 19. to product alternative characters 20. to confirm commands 21. to move the cursor
2. Answer the questions:
1. What are the physical units attached to the computer called? 2. What is printer used for? 3. What does CPU consist of? 4. What is a bit? 5. What number are used in the binary system? 6. Can the binary system be used for painting? 7. Нow pixels act on monochrome systems? 8. What is graphics adaptor? 1. What fields of computers application do you know? 2. Which memory is lost when the computer is turned off? 3. How can we expand the RAM capacity? 4. What is pixel? 5. What way is the text formed in? 6. How do the dots correspond with bits? 7. What’s the “refresh buffer”? 8. What does the size of the palette depend on?
3. Переклади з утворенням пасивних структур:
1. Кажуть, що він хороший програміст. 2. Повідомлено, що нова операційна система вже розроблена. 1. Відомо, що він чудовий керівник. 2. Очікувалося, що ця проблема вирішеться швидко.
4. Underline passive constructions, mark auxiliary verbs and ask questions to the sentences
1. Modern computers are widely used nowadays. 2. The program is being changed. 3. The specialist in computers has been offered a new job in this sphere. 1. New types of devices are being made use of in the lab. 2. The test was followed by the experiments. 3. Perspectives of computerization have been much spoken about in the press.
5. Change the Active Voice into Passive.
1. They designed different types of computer 2. The microprocessor stores the required information RAM. 1. The majory of the computers use a standard system. 2. They received money from cash-dispensory.

Заняття № 26

Тема: Сучасні комп’ютери.

Вид заняття: підсумкове семінарське заняття.

Мета: узагальнення іншомовної інформації, закріплення мовленнєвих умінь, активізація логічного мислення, пам’яті.

Обладнання: зошити, дошка, підручник.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: програмування, мовознавство (граматика).

Література: “Infotech. English for computer users” by Santiago Remacha Esteras.

Список рекомендованих питань:

- What are computers?

- In what way do they work?

- How many basic steps are there in the process?

- What are they?

- What is software?

- What makes up computer hardware?

- What does a standard computer system consist of?

- What is the brain of a computer?

- What holds the instructions and data?

- What is used to handle one or more floppy disks?

- What do we call the physical units attached to the computer?

- What are the output devices?

- What does configuration mean?

- What is the nerve centre of a microcomputer?

- What is an integrated circuit?

- What parts does the CPU consist of?

- What is the function of the control unit?

- Decode the abbreviation: ALU.

- What does ALU do?

- What are the registers used for?

- What registers are mentioned in the text?

- What is the nerve centre of a microcomputer?

- What is an integrated circuit?

- What parts does the CPU consist of?

- What is the function of the control unit?

- Decode the abbreviation: ALU.

- What does ALU do?

- What are the registers used for?

- What is the main memory of a computer?

- Where are RAM and ROM contained in?

- What does RAM stand for?

- How many digits does a binary system use? What is a 'bit'?

- What is the difference between binary notation and the decimal system? Give some examples.

- What is a collection of eight bits called?

- What way in computer can understand anything?

- What is binary digit?

- What is ROM?

- What is pixel?

- What way is the text formed in?

- How do the dots correspond with bits?

- What’s the “refresh buffer”?

- What is graphics adaptor?

- How is the mouse connected to the computer?

- What does the mouse pointer look like on the screen?

- What are the functions of the mouse buttons?

- What are the advantages of a computer mouse over a keyboard?

- What is a scanner? What is it used for?

- What substance is hit by electrons in a monitor?, etc.

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