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Solving the food problem

1 By increasing the crops which requires:

a. Increasing the land, water used & using advanced technology.

b. Selection of excellent strains of seeds, free from infection.

c. Introducing new strains of high yield, better quality, and resistance to fungal diseases.

d. Selecting plants suitable to the soil to give better yield.

e. Combating pests such as mice, cotton leaf insect & fungi such as wheat rust & bacterial diseases & viral diseases which attack fruit trees.

Sandy soil   Clayey soil   Loamy soil  
Large particles weak cohesion well aerated retains less water   Fine particles, strong cohesion, badly aerated, retain much water. intermediate    
Lemon, peanuts.   Oranges, cotton.    




1-Improve hereditary traits by breeding animals that have high productivity.

E.g. Shorthorn cows in England.

2-Selection is based on external appearance not on hereditary or statistical studies.

3-Hybridization is mating males and females of different strains to pass their combined traits to their offspring .e.g. White Leghorn chickens which produce a large number of eggs are mated with the Rod Island chicken which produces good meat. The offspring is rich in meat and eggs.

4-Mating new males of known origin, high productivity & good traits with ordinary females. The traits of the male pass to the offspring, therefore the quality of the stock improves overtime.


5- Increasing marine wealth.



3 Using new sources of food such as algae.

3-The Energy problem

Sources of energy :

1-Our main source of energy is the fossilized

fuel such as petroleum, coal, natural gas.

These resources are non-renewable.


2-Nuclear fuel such as uranium is limited

because of its high cost & the harmful

radiation that results from it. Deuterium

is an isotope of hydrogen & is used to

produce energy. Deuterium is extracted

from heavy water found deep inside

oceans then pumped out for energy production.


3-Permanent sources such as the sun, waterfalls, wind, tides & thermal energy from inside the earth & seas.



Ø Drought, overgrazing, over cutting trees leads

todesertification (moving of sand and dunes)

over fertile land with the decline in the biological

Products of the soil.

Ø Desertificationis combated by planting

a green belt around the land.


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