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Choose the correct reply. Listen and check your answers, then act out the dialogues in pairs.

1A:Hello, John! B: a Fine, thanks. b Hi!

2A: How are you? B: a That’s okay. b Fine, thanks.

3 A: Goodbye! B: a See you later! b Sleep well!

4 A: Here you are. B: a Good. bThanks very much.

5A: Oh, I’m sorry! B: a That’s okay. b Thank you.

6 A: Goodnight! B: a How are you? b Sleep well!


Read the text «Meeting and Greeting Customs».


There are many different greeting customs around the world. Here are some.



People usually shake hands when they meet for the first time. When two women first meet, they sometimes give one kiss on the cheek. (They actually «kiss the air») Women also greet both male and female friends with a kiss. Chilean men give their friends warm abrazos (hugs) or sometimes kiss women on the cheek.



Finns greet each other with a firm handshake. Hugs and kisses are only for close friends and family.


The Philippines

The everyday greeting for friends is a handshake for both men and women. Men sometimes pat each other on the back.


Men bow slightly and shake hands to greet each other. Women do not usually shake hands. To address someone with his or her full name, the family name comes first, then the first name.


The United States

People shake hands when they are first introduced. Friends and family members often hug or kiss on the cheek when they see each other. In these situations, men often kiss women but not other men.


Look through the text again and complete the table below. Think which country or countries meet the following rule. Check the correct boxes.

  Chile Finland The Philippines Korea The U.S.
1 People shake hands every time they meet          
2 Women kiss at the first meeting          
3 Men hug or pat each other on the back.          
4 Women kiss male friends.          
5 The family name comes first.          

Say how these people greet each other in your country. Discuss it with your partner.

  • two male friends
  • a male and a female friend
  • two strangers
  • two female friends


Listen to the conversation. Then complete the gaps. What does Jane say to Richard?

RichardHello, Jane.


RichardPhew! What’s this?


RichardHmm. Is it your car?


RichardWhose car is it?


RichardMr. Orson? Who’s he?


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