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What cells participate in the regulation of permeability of the intercellular substance of the connective tissue?

a. +mastocytes

b. plasmocytes

c. macrophages

d. lipocytes

e. pericytes


150. Connective tissue that consists of a large number of different cells, ground substance and loosely arranged fibres:

a. dense irregular fibrous

b. dense regular fibrous

c. +loose irregular fibrous

d. reticular

e. pericytes


151. Connective tissue that is characterized by the presence of a large number of dense fibres arranged parallel to one another, of few cells and of little ground substance:

a. dense irregular fibrous

b. +dense regular fibrous

c. loose irregular fibrous

d. reticular

e. adipose


What fibres predominate in the tendons?

a. mature elastic fibres

b. reticular fibres

c. +collagen fibres

d. oxytalan elastic fribres

e. elaunin fibres fibres


153. Flattened ramifying cell of the connective tissue; it contains large oval light nucleus, intensely basophilic endoplasm and poorly basophilic ectoplasm:

a. histiocyte

b. +mature fibroblast

c. plasma cell

d. basophil

e. adipocyte


154. Connective tissue cells of different shape that contain small dark nucleus and numerous lysosomes and phagosomes:

a. fibroblasts

b. plasma cells

c. basophils

d. pigment cells

e. +histiocytes


There is a histologic specimen of loose fibrous connective tissue that is stained with special dye detecting lysosomal enzyme – acid phosphatase. What cells contain much of that enzyme?

a. fibroblasts

b. plasmocytes

c. adipocytes

d. +macrophages

e. basophils


156. Oval cell of the connective tissue that contains small compact nucleus and large basophilic granules:

a. fibroblast

b. plasmocyte

c. +basophil

d. pigment cell

e. histiocyte


157. Connective tissue cell, the cytoplasmic granules of which contain heparin and histamine:

a. histiocyte

b. mature fibroblast

c. plasmocyte

d. +mastocyte

e. adipocyte


158. Cells of loose irregular connective tissue that participate in the energy production and water metabolism:

a. fibroblasts

b. plasmocytes

c. macrophages

d. mast cells

e. +adipocytes


159. Mast cells of the loose connective tissue:

a. +synthesize and secrete histamine and hyaluronic acid

b. synthesize and accumulate fat

c. perform phagocytosis

d. synthesize immunoglobulins

e. synthesize hormones


160. Rounded connective tissue cell, the central zone of which is occupied by one large fat drop:

a. fibroblast

b. plasmocyte

c. +adipocyte

d. basophil

e. pigment cell


161. Rounded connective tissue cell that contains a small eccentric nucleus surrounded by well developed granular endoplasmic reticulum:

a. fibroblast

b. +plasmocyte

c. adipocyte

d. basophil

e. pigment cell


162. Connective tissue cell that synthesize immunoglobulins:

a. histiocyte

b. mature fibroblast

c. +plasma cell

d. basophil

e. adipocyte


On the electron photomicrograph there is a cell of loose fibrous connective tissue, that takes part in the immune reactions. This cell contains eccentric nucleus, a prominent clear area in the cytoplasm that is adjacent to the nucleus, and well developed granular endoplasmic reticulum. What cell is it?

a. mast cell

b. +plasmocyte

c. macrophage

d. lipocyte

e. fibroblast


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