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As a result of mitotic division, the two somatic cells were formed. What chromosome number do they contain?

a. aneuploid

b. haploid

c. +diploid

d. tetraploid

e. octoploid


45. Spherical sex cell one hundred and thirty micrometers in diameter, covered by pellucid zone and radiate crown; it contains haploid number of chromosomes:

a. ovogonium

b. primary oocyte

c. secondary oocyte

d. +mature ovum

e. first polar body


46. Human oocyte in accordance with the arrangement of its cytoplasmic yolk inclusions is:

a. centrolecithal

b. markedly telolecithal

c. moderately telolecithal

d. +isolecithal

e. alecithal


47. Sex cell that consists of a head (containing haploid nucleus), midpiece and tail:

a. spermatogonium

b. spermatid

c. primary spermatocyte

d. +spermatozoon

e. secondary spermatocyte


48. Nucleus of the spermatozoon is situated in:

a. +head

b. connecting piece

c. principal piece

d. middle piece

e. neck


49. Acrosome of spermatozoon represents a derivative of:

a. mitochondria

b. axial filament

c. distal and proximal centrioles

d. rough endoplasmic reticulum

e. +Golgi complex


50. Fertilization takes place in:

a. +outer third of the uterine tube

b. neck of uterus

c. uterine cavity

d. abdominal cavity

e. vagina


51. Acrosomal reaction is the process of:

a. formation of the fertilization membrane

b. loss of spermatic filament

c. +excretion of hyaluronidase and tripsin by acrosome

d. spermatozoon activation

e. upstream movement of spermatozoon in a flowing liquid


52. Which of the cell structures takes part in the formation of fertilization membrane:

a. nucleus

b. Golgi complex

c. mitochondria

d. +cortical granules

e. endoplasmic reticulum


53. Cleavage is;

a. formation of zygote as a result of fusion of male and female sex cells

b. +formation of blastocyst as a result of sequential division of zygote into blastomeres

c. formation of the germs of organs

d. formation of the germinal layers

e. formation of the axial organs


54. Type of cleavage of the human zygote is:

a. total, asynchronous

b. total, equal

c. synchronous, equal

d. +total, unequal, asynchronous

e. incomplete, equal


55. Human morula is formed in the process of:

a. fertilization

b. +cleavage

c. the first phase of the gastrulation

d. the second phase of gastrulation

e. histogenesis and organogenesis


56. Trophoblast of the human blastocyst consists of:

a. +one layer of flattened elongated cells

b. one layer of cuboidal cells

c. one layer of columnar cells

d. two layers of cuboidal cells

e. two layers of columnar cells


57. Embryoblast of the blastocyst represents:

a. one large light blastomere that is situated in the centre of the blastocyst

b. two small dark blastomeres that are situated in the centre of the blastocyst

c. two small light blastomeres adjacent to the trophoblast on the inside

d. one large light blastomere adjacent to the trophoblast on the inside

e. +cluster of large dark blastomeres adjacent to the trophoblast on the inside


58. The process of implantation begins:

a. on the third day

b. on the fifteenth day

c. +on the seventh day

d. on the tenth day

e. on the first day


59. The process of gastrulation represents:

a. division of zygote into blastomeres

b. union of a sperm and an ovum in order to form zygote

c.+formation of the three germinal layers

d. formation of the primordia of tissues and organs

e. formation of the blastocyst


60. Human germ at the stage of gastrula is situated:

a. in cervical canal of uterus

b. in uterine cavity

c. in abdominal cavity

d. +within the uterine mucous tunic

e. in lumen of the oviduct


61. Formation of fetal organs and tissues takes place in the process of:

a. fertilization

b. cleavage

c. the first phase of the gastrulation

d. the second phase of the gastrulation

e. +differentiation of the germ layers


62. Nephrotome gives rise to:

a.+urogenital system

b. nervous system

c. respiratory system

d. digestive system

e. endocrine system


63. Neural tube gives rise to:

a. respiratory system

b. digestive system

c. reproductive system

d. +nervous system

e. endocrine system


64. Myotome develops into:

a. myocardium

b. smooth muscle

c. +skeletal muscle

d. axial skeleton

e. dermal connective tissue


65. Sclerotome develops into:

a. +axial skeleton

b. skeletal muscle

c. dermal connective tissue

d. notochord

e. smooth muscle


66. Dermatome gives rise to:

a. dermal epithelium

b. +dermal connective tissue

c. skeletal muscle

d. hair

e. sebaceous glands


67. Connective tissue arises from:

a. ectoderm

b. entoderm

c. +mesenchyme

d. mesodermal splanchnotom

e. neural plate


68. Blood arises from:

a. ectoderm

b. +mesemchyme

c. endoderm

d. nephrotome

e. mesodermal splanchnotom


69. Extraembryonic organ that represents reservoir filled with amniotic fluid:

a. +amnion

b. yolk sac

c. allantois

d. chorion

e. placenta


70. Wall of the amnion consists of:

a. extraembryonic endoderm and extraembryonic mesoderm

b. +extraembryonic ectoderm and extraembryonic mesoderm

c. embryonic ectoderm and embryonic mesoderm

d. embryonic endoderm and embryonic mesoderm

e. embryonic mesoderm and embryonic mesenchyme


71. Function of the human yolk sac:

a. protective

b. +hemopoietic

c. endocrine

d. excretory

e. secretory


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