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What type of connective tissue contains a large number or melanocytes?

a. brown adipose

b. mucous

c. loose irregular fibrous

d. dense irregular fibrous

e. +pigment


165. Connective tissue that is characterized by network structure, and consists of reticular cells and reticular fibres:

a. dense irregular fibrous

b. dense regular fibrous

c. loose irregular fibrous

d. +reticular

e. adipose


In the histologic specimen of the connective tissue possessing special properties, one can see stellate cells that are in contact with one another. What do we call that tissue?

a. brown adipose

b. mucous

c. +reticular

d. dense irregular fibrous

e. pigment


167. Connective tissue of newborn infants that consists of adipocytes containing a large number of small cytoplasmic adipose inclusions:

a.dense irregular fibrous

b. dense regular fibrous

c. loose irregular fibrous

d. reticular

e.+ brown adipose


What tissue takes an active part in heat production in the newborn organism?

a. white adipose

b. +brown adipose

c. reticular

d. pigment

e. mucous


169. Mucous tissue is made up of:

a. adipocytes and collagen fibres

b. +mucous cells, and gelatinous substance containing hyaluronic acid

c. elastic fibres

d. cluster of pigment cells

e. reticulum cells and network of reticular fibres


170. Strong but not elastic connective tissue fibres that are stainable with acid dye and represent straight or wavy bands:

a. +collagen

b. reticular

c. elastic

d. oxytalan

e. elaunin


171. Connective tissue fibres that are detected with silver impregnation:

a. collagen

b. +reticular

c. elastic

d. oxytalan


172. Fibres that cause the elasticity of connective tissue:

a. collagen

b. reticular

c. oxytalan

d. elaunin

e. +mature elastic


173. Outer layer of the perichondrium is made up of:

a. loose fibrous irregular connective tissue

b. +dense fibrous irregular connective tissue

c. dense fibrous regular connective tissue

d. reticular tissue

e. adipose tissue


174. Inner layer of the perichondrium is made up of:

a. young chondrocytes

b. chondrocytes of the first type

c. chondrocytes of the second type

d. chondrocytes of the third type

e. +prechondroblasts, chondroblasts


175. In the superficial layer of the cartilage under the perichondrium there are:

a. chondroblasts and prechondroblasts

b. chondrocytes of the first type

c. chondrocytes of the second type

d. chondrocytes of the third type

e. +young chondrocytes


176. In the antenatal life the interstitial growth of hyaline cartilage takes place because of:

a. fibroblasts

b. +chondrocytes of the first type

c. chondroblasts

d. chondrocytes of the second type

e. chondrocytes of the third type


177. Reparative regeneration of the cartilaginous tissue takes place because of the division of:

a. fibroblasts

b. +chondroblasts

c. chondrocytes of the first type

d. chondrocytes of the second type

e. chondrocytes of the third type


178. Shape of the chondroblasts is:

a. hemisphere-shaped

b. stellate

c. prismatic

d. +fusiform

e. cubical


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