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What perichondral cells produce intercellular substance of the cartilaginous tissue?

a. chondrocytes of the first type

b. chondrocytes of the second type

c. chondrocytes of the third type

d. +chondroblasts

e. fibroblasts


180. Growth of the cartilaginous tissue by addition of new cartilage over the surface of existing cartilage (appositional growth) takes place because of:

a. chondrocytes of the first type

b. chondrocytes of the second type

c. chondrocytes of the third type

d. +chondroblasts

e. fibroblasts


181. Shape of mature chondrocytes is:

a. cubical

b. +oval, hemispherical, angular

c. prismatic

d. fusiform

e. stellate



Cells of the cartilaginous isogenous groups that are characterized by high nucleocytoplasmic ratio. Among such cells there are many those at different stages of mitosis.

a. prechondroblasts

b. chondroblasts

c. +chondrocytes of the first type

d. chondrocytes of the second type

e. chondrocytes of the third type


183. Posttraumatic regeneration of the cartilaginous cells and intercellular substance takes place because of:

a. prechondroblasts

b. chondroblasts

c. chondrocytes of the first type

d. chondrocytes of the second type

e. +chondroclasts


184. Hyaline cartilage is found in:

a. intervertebral disks

b. laryngeal corniculate cartilage

c. +trachea

d. auricle

e. laryngeal Morgagni’s cartilage


What type of collagen fibres does the intercellular substance of hyaline cartilage contain?

a. I

b.+ II

c. III

d. IV

e. V


186. Elastic cartilage differs from hyaline cartilage by the presence of:

a. ground substance

b. +elastic fibres

c. collagen fibres

d. chondrocytes

e. perichondrium


187. Elastic cartilage is found in:

a. +auricle

b. intervertebral disks

c. pubic suture

d. trachea

e. articular surfaces of the bone


188. Elastic cartilage is found in:

a. place of attachment of the ribs to the breast bone

b. intervertebral disks

c. trachea

d. large bronchi

e. +epiglottis


189. Fibrocartilage is situated in:

a. the place of attachment of the ribs to the breast bone:

b. articular surface of bones

c. trachea

d. bronchi

e. +intervertebral disks


190. Different-shaped cells that are situated on the surface of developing bony trabeculae. Those cells are characterized by ultrastructure of the protein-synthesizing cells:

a. fibroblasts

b. odontoblasts

c. +osteoblasts

d. osteocytes

e. osteoclasts


What cells are responsible for the process of formation and calcification of the bony intercellular substance?

a. +osteoblasts

b. osteocytes

c. osteoclasts

d. fibroblasts

e. endotheliocytes


192. Osteoblasts take part in:

a. +formation of the bony tissue

b. thermoregulation

c. destruction of the calcified cartilage and bone

d. production of the antibodies

e. homeostasis of the organic and mineral composition of the bony tissue


There is an electron photomicrograph of a cell of developing bony tissue. Around the cell one can see collagen fibres. The cytoplasm of the cell contains well developed granular endoplasmic reticulum. What do we call that cell?

a. mature osteocyte

b. +steoblast

c. osteoclast

d. endotheliocyte

e. mesenchymal cell


194. Bone cells that are not able to divide; they have small body and numerous processes:

a. osteoblasts

b. +osteocytes

c. osteoclasts

d. fibroblasts

e. odontoblasts


There is an electron photomicrograph of a bone cell. Processes of the cell are situated in small canaliculi. Its cytoplasm contains pooly developed endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. What do we call that cell?

a. +mature osteocyte

b. osteoblast

c. osteoclast

d. endotheliocyte

e. fibroblast


196. Osteocytes participate in:

a. formation of the osseous tissue

b. thermoregulation

c. removal of bone

d. productions of antibodies

e. +maintenance of the homeostasis of organic and mineral composition of the osseous tissue


197. Large polynucleated cells different in shape that contain ruffled membrane and numerous lysosomes; those cells are responsible for absorption and destruction of bone and calcified cartilage:

a. enameloblasts

b. odontoblasts

c. osteoblasts

d. + osteoclasts


198. Osteoclasts take part in:

a. formation of osseous tissue

b. thermoregulation

c. +removal of bone and calcified cartilage

d. production of antibodies

e. maintenance of the homeostasis of organic and mineral composition of the osseous tissue


199. Osteoclasts arise from:

a. neutrophils

b. +monocytes

c. basophils

d. lymphocytes

e. erythrocytes


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