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Granules of which blood cells contain histaminase?

a. basophils

b. monocytes

c. erythrocytes

d. + eosinophils


131. Blood cells that are characterized by presence of the ovoid cytoplasmic granules containing elongated crystalloid:

a. erythrocytes

b. monocytes

c. +eosinophils

d. neutrophils

e. basophils


132. Antiparasitic activity is typical of:

a. +eosinophils

b. basophils

c. neutrophils

d. monocytes

e. erythrocytes


133. Blood cells that contain large basophilic cytoplasmic granules:

a. monocytes

b. lymphocytes

c. eosinophils

d. neutrophils

e. +basophils


134. Cells that produce histamine and take part in the regulation of vascular permeability:

a. neutrophils

b. eosinophils

c. monocytes

d. +basophils

e. thrombocytes


135. Blood cells that take part in the regulation of vascular permeability:

a. neutrophils

b. eosinophils

c. +basophils

d. monocytes

e. lymphocytes


136. Blood cells that exhibit round to horseshoe-shaped nuclei occupying most of the cytoplasm, which appears as a thin basophilic rim around the nucleus:

a. +lymphocytes

b. monocytes

c. erythrocytes

d. basophils

e. eosinophils


137. Blood cell that gives rise to plasmocyte:

a. neutrophil

b. basophil

c. +B-lymphocyte

d. T-lymphocyte

e. monocyte

138. Which of the following cells are granulocytes:

a. +monocytes

b. basophils

c. segmentated neutrophils

d. eosinophils

e. stab (band) neutrophils


139. Blood cell that can move out of the vascular system to enter surrounding tissues and give rise to macrophage:

a. neutrophil

b. basophil

c. erythrocyte

d. lymphocyte

e. +monocyte


140. The largest blood cells that contain round or indented (kidney-shaped) placed eccentrically nuclei, and poorly basophilic cytoplasm;

a. +monocytes

b. lymphocytes

c. eosinophils

d. neutrophils

e. basophils


141. Monocytes give rise to:

a. +microglia

b. oligodendrocytes

c. protoplasmatic astrocytes

d. ependymal cells

e. fibrillar astrocytes


142. Blood cells that consist of granulomere and hyalomere:

a. neutrophils

b. basophils

c. lymphocytes

d. +thrombocytes

e. erythrocytes


143. Irregular-shaped fragments of megakaryocyte, that are avoid of nuclei and are usually aggregated:

a. erythrocytes

b. +blood platelets

c. monocytes

d. lymphocytes

e. basophils


144. Cells of the red bone marrow that release membrane-enclosed fragments of their cytoplasm as platelets:

a. +megakaryocytes

b. myeloblasts

c. erythroblasts

d. promonocytes

e. metamyelocytes


What is the percentage of lymphocytes in the leucogram of a healthy person?

a. 1-2%

b. 4-6%

c. 7-8%

d. +18-40%

e. 45-70%


What is the percentage of monocytes in the leucogram of an adult person?

a. 1-2%

b. +2-9%

c. 15-30%

d. 45-70%

e. 95%


What is the percentage of segmentated neutrophils in the leucogram of a healthy person?

a. 1-2%

b. 2-9%

c. +45-70%

d. 95%

e. 15-30%


148. Transport and trophic function of the connective tissue is performed because of:

a. collagen fibres

b. adipocytes

c. elastic fibres

d. plasmocytes

e. +amorphous component of the intercellular substance


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