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Which organelles are found only in the nerve cell?

a. +basophilic substance and neurofibrils

b. mitochondria and tonofibrils

c. Golgi complex and myofibrils

d. lysosomes and residual corpuscles

e. centrioles and mitochondria


247. Chromophilic substance represents:

a. cluster of mitochondria

b. cluster of lysosomes

c. stack of cisternae of the Golgi complex

d. stack of cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

e. +stack of cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes and polysomes


248. Neurofibrils of the cytoplasm of nerve cells represent:

a. projections from the cell surface

b. channels of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

c. fibrous protein (collagen) of nervous type

d. bundles of neurofilaments and neurotubules that are able to be impregnated with silver

e. +elements of the Golgi complex


249. Structure of the nerve cell that takes part in the conduction of nerve impulse:

a. agranular endoplasmic reticulum

b. granular endoplasmic reticulum

c. microtubules

d. cisternae of the Golgi complex

e. +plasmalemma


250. Structure of the nerve cell that takes part in the mediator synthesis:

a. cell centre

b. lysosomes

c. +granular endoplasmic reticulum

d. agranular endoplasmic reticulum

e. mitochondrion


251. Speed of the impulse movement along a nonmyelinated nerve fibres is:

a. 100-200 meters per second

b. 40-50 meters per second

c. +1-2 meters per second

d. 150-200 meters per second

e. 200 -250 meters per second


252. Speed of the impulse movement along a myelinated nerve fibres is:

a. 10-15 meters per second

b. 2-10 meters per second

c. 1-2 meters per second

d. +5-120 meters per second

e. 20-25 meters per second


253. Myelinated nerve fibre is made up of:

a. one axon that invaginates into the cytoplasm of the Schwann cell

b. 10-20 axons that invaginate into the cytoplasm of Schwann cell

c. two axons and myelin sheath

d. +one axon, myelin sheath, neurolemma

e. five axons and neurolemma


254. Myelin sheath of the nerve fibre is made up of spiral mesaxon of:

a. fibrous astrocytes

b. protoplasmic astrocytes


d. microglia

e. ependymocytes


255. Axis cyliders of the nerve are:

a. +axon and dendrite of neurocytes

b. processes of the fibrous astrocytes

c. processes of the protoplasmic astrocytes

d. chains of oligodendrocytes

e. processes of microglia


256. Neuroglia cells that are derived from haemopoietic stem cell:

a. ependymocytes

b. fibrous astrocytes

c. protoplasmic astrocytes

d. +microglia

e. oligodendrocytes


257. Neuroglia cells that possess phagocytic activity:

a. ependymocytes

b. fibrous astrocytes

c. protoplasmic astrocytes

d. oligodendrocytes

e. +microglia


258. Neuroglia cells that belong to the system of the mononuclear phagocytes:

a. fibrous astrocytes

b. protoplasmic astrocytes

c. ependymocytes

d. oligodendrocytes

e. +microglia


259. Neuroglia cells that line central canal of spinal cord and ventricles of brain:

a. oligodendrocytes

b. fibrous astrocytes

c. protoplasmic astrocytes

d. +ependymocytes

e. microglia


260. Shape of the cells of ependymal glia that line central canal of the spinal cord:

a. spherical

b. pyramidal

c. +cylindrical

d. stellate

e. flattened


261. Neuroglia cells that are mainly found in the gray substance of the organs of central nervous system; perikaryons of the cells give off short thick processes that then divide into secondary processes:

a. oligodendrocytes

b. ependymocytes

c. +protoplasmic astrocytes

d. fibrous astrocytes

e. microglia



262. Stellate glial cells whose cell bodies and fibrous filament-possessing processes are found in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord:

a. oligodendrocytes

b. ependymocytes

c. protoplasmic astrocytes

d. +fibrous astrocytes

e. microglia


263. Neuroglia cells that take part in the formation of myelin sheath of nerve fibres:

a. protoplasmic astrocytes

b. fibrous astrocytes

c. microglia

d. +lemmocytes (Schwann cells)

e. ependymocytes


264. Schwann’s sheath of the nerve fibre consists of cytoplasm and nuclei of:

a. microgliocytes

b. fibrous astrocytes


d. protoplasmic astrocytes

e. ependymocytes


On the photomicrograph there is a multipolar neurocyte and glia cells surrounding its perikaryon and processes. What do we call the type of the glia cell supporting processes of the neurocyte?

a. protoplasmic astrocyte

b. fibrous astrocyte

c. microglia

d. +lemmocyte

e. ependymocyte


266. Gliocytes that surround neurons in peripheral ganglia:

a. microglia (small glial cells)

b. fibrous astrocytes

c. protoplasmic astrocytes

d. ependymal cells

e. +capsular cells (satellite cells, capsular gliocytes)


267. Chemogenic synapses transmit nerve impulse from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron by means of:

a. ions of calcium

b. ions of sodium

c. +neuromediators (neurotransmitters)

d. ions of potassium

e. ions of phosphorus


268. Synapse in which inhibition of impulse takes place:

a. axosomatic

b. axodendritic

c. +axoaxonic

d. somatosomatic

e. dendrodendritic


269. Presynaptic pole of the chemogenic synapse is characterized by the presence of the cluster of:

a. lysosomes

b. vesicles of Golgi complex

c. microtubules

d. +presynaptic vesicles and mitochondria

e. components of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum


270. Structure of the chemogenic synapse that contains receptors that respond to neuromediators:

a. presynaptic membrane

b. synaptic cleft

c. +postsynaptic membrane

d. neurofilaments

e. presynaptic vesicles



271. Substances that take part in the nerve impulse transmission:

a. ions of calcium

b. ions of sodium

c. +acetylcholine, noradrenaline

d. ions of potassium

e. ions of phosphorus


272. Neural processes that form effector nerve endings:

a. +axons of motor neurons

b. dendrites of motor neurons

c. axons of sensory neurons

d. dendrites of sensory neurons

e. processes of association neurons


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