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Procedure of the lesson

Issues to be studied:

a) structure and work of a chemist’s

b) word building (-ure, -tion suffixes)

c) Present and Past Simple Passive.

Methods of teaching:

Associograms, verbal-graphic method, illustrative method, inductive method, method of integration (use of background knowledge of the passed disciplines in English), roleplays, situational tasks, creative tasks, computer technologies


Means of teaching:

visual aids, tables, schemes, pictograms, cards, test tasks, audio-computer technics


Presentation of lexics – 50 min.

Pre – vocabulary work

Describing slides from a computer









After describing generalize them in one word.

Vocabulary and pronunciation


Suffix – ure is the suffix of nouns: mixture, tincture. Suffix – tion forms nouns from the verbs: protection, decoction





Listen to audio-cassette with new lexics

Look at the list of new words

Practice saying the words. Pay attention to the stress


Useful language



cotton wool



Match up the following containers with the contents below and say to each other


1. a tube of ointment .

2. a jar of _________________

3. a bottle of _______________

4. a box of ________________

5. an ampoule _____________

6. a roll of ________________

7. a bag of ________________

8. a cartridge of ____________


Check the meaning of new words. Match them with the slides and name the slides


Study the following English words from Latin origin and give their Latin equivalents


e.g. English   mixture tincture extract infusion solution decoction liniment suppository Latin   mixtura ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Make up associograms:












Collocations with common verbs

Write some words or phrases from the box with each verb below


a chemist’s shop liniment mixture label drug cabinet medicine medical items powder tablet ointment injections drugs


a) take medicine,_______________________________________________________________

b) prescribe injection,___________________________________________________________

c) stick _______________________________________________________________________

d) use ________________________________________________________________________

e) keep _______________________________________________________________________




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