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Comprehension check

a) What is the City?

b) What is Westminster?

c) What is the West End?

d) What is the East End?

Theme:“My University” and “Demonstrative pronouns (this-these, that-those)” “Present, Past, Future Indefinite”, “Present Perfect”

Aims. Didactic aims:

to form the students’ following components of competence:

· Educational (cognitive) component:

9. to form the knowledge on mastering terms from the text “My university”.

10. to form the knowledge of using demonstrative pronouns (this-these, that-those)

11. to form the knowledge of using Present, Past and Future Tenses

12. to form the knowledge of using Present Perfect Tense

· Practical (operational) component:

7. to form students’ grammar habits on the theme “Demonstrative pronouns (this-these, that-those)” “Present, Past, Future Indefinite”, “Present Perfect”

8. to form students’ skills on listening, reading the text with or without dictionary.

· Communicative component:

4. to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.

· Self-studying component:

7. to form the skills and habits using the professional supplementary literature in informative means of communication.

8. to develop students’ vocabulary habits.

Form of conducting: making-up a dialogue, work in pairs.

Assignments on the theme:doing lexico-grammatical exercises, answering the questions, working in pairs.

Hand-outs:grammar table, cards with exercises.



19. “English for students-pharmaceutists, chemists-technologists” – book, p.130-131


20. “ Grammar in Use” for elementary and intermediate students, R.Murphy, p. 5-11.



1. “Headway”, Elementary, Oxford University Press, 1995.

2. “Vocabulary in use”, Intermediate, Stuart Redman with Ellen Shaw, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Part 1 (50’min)


1) Read what Sarah says about a typical working day:

I usually get up at 7 o’clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5 o’clock. I am always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I don’t usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 o’clock. I always sleep well.

Yesterday was a typical working day6 for Sarah. Write what she did or didn’t do yesterday. Transform into Past Simple.

a) She…got ..up…at …7 o’clock.

b) She………….. a big breakfast.

c) It………. to get to work.

d) ………………. at 8.45.

e) …………………...lunch.

f) ………………..at 5o’clock.

g) ……….tired when ………home.

h) ………….a meal yesterday evening.

i) …………..out yesterday evening.

j) …………….at 11o’clock.

k) …………….well last night.


2) Put the verb into the correct form. Use the Present Simple.

a)) Jane ………. (not/drink) tea very often.

b) What time…………(the banks/close) in Britain?

c) “What ………..(you/do)?”. “I’m an electrical engineer!”

d) I…….(play) the piano but I …….(not/play) very well.

e) I don’t understand this sentence. What……….(this word/mean)?


3) Put one of these verbs in each sentence. Use the Past Simple.

Buy, catch, cost, drink, fall, hurt, sell, spend, teach, throw, win, write.

a) Mozart ………… more than 600 pieces of music.

b) “How did you learn to drive?” “My father …….. me.”

c) We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we…… it.

d) I was very thirsty. I ……. The water very quickly.

e) Paul and I played tennis yesterday. He’s much better than me, so he …… easily.

f) Don …….. down the stairs this morning and …….. his leg.

g) Jim ……. ball to Sue, who …… it.

h) Ann …… a lot of money yesterday. She …….a dress which ……. $100.


4) Complete the sentences with will + one of these verbs:

Be, be, come, get, like, look, meet, pass.

1. Don’t worry about your exam. I’m sure you………

2. Why don’t you try on this jacket? It ……… nice on you.

3. You must meet George sometime. I think you …… him.

4. It’s raining. Don’t go out. You……. wet.

5. They are invited me to their house. They ……… offended if I don’t go.

6. Goodbye. I expect we……….again before long.

7. I’ve invited Sue to the party but I don’t think she ……..

8. I wonder where I ………… 20 years from now.


5) Complete the table. Write down about your childhood using the Past Simple, about your nowadays’ life using the Present Simple, about your future life using the Future Simple. Use the verbs below.

Do, play, draw, study, learn, write, become, investigate, complain, go, provide, support, be, help, read, dance.



Past Simple Present Simple Future Simple
f.ex: I played a lot when I was a child.    


Part 2 (50’ min)


6)Choose the correct variant of a special question.

a) How much (is, does,do) the sweater cost?

b) Where (are, do, does) the Gohnson live?

c) When (do, does,is) Mr. Williams walk his dog?

d) What time (do, does, is) the film finish?

e) What ( do, does, is) Helen like to do?


7) A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions using The Past Simple.

a) (Where/go?) Where did you go?

b) (go/alone?) ________________?

c) (food/good?) _____________?

d) (How long/stay there?) ____________?

e) (How/travel?) ________________ ?

f) What/do in the evenings?) __________?

g) (meet anybody/interesting?) _________?


8) Ask Liz questions about herself and her family. Use the present Simple.

a) You know that Liz Plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her.

How often …do ..you ..play ..tennis?

b) Perhaps Liz’s sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Liz.

………. your sister………………………………………….…?

c) You know that Liz reads a newspaper every day. You want to know which one. Ask her.


d) You know that Liz’s brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask her.


e) You know that Liz goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her.



9) Translate into English, paying attention to the Past and Present tenses.

1. Они учатся на втором курсе.

2. Прошлым летом она уезжала на юг.

3. Сколько денег вы тратите на одежду?

4. Студенты не проводили эксперимент в лаборатории.

5. Когда этот автор опубликовал свою первую книгу?

6. Мои родители живут в другом городе.

7. Вы читаете детективы?


1. Making-up a dialogue using the grammar.


10) Make –up a dialogue with your partner. Ask about his/her daily routine life using the Present Simple.

f.ex: -



Ask more questions as possible using the Present Simple.

Control questions:

1) When do we use Present Indefinite?

2) How is the Present Indefinite formed?

3) When do we use Past Indefinite?

4) When do we use Future Indefinite?



Work-out I

Theme:“My Future Profession”

Lexics:New words and word combinations

Grammar:“Past PerfectTense”, “Future Perfect Tense”


Didactic aims:to form the following components of competence in students:

· communicative component:

to form listening (audition), reading, speaking, writing skills

· Urgency of the theme:

Medical students must know the importance of studying medical clinical lexics to describe clinical picture of a disease, which they’ll study at clinical disciplines.

· Methods of teaching:

Associograms, verbal-graphic method, inductive method, method of integration (use of background knowledge of the passed disciplines in English), roleplays, creative tasks.



1. “Essential English for medical students”, A.M. Maslova, Z.I. Winestein,

L.S. Plebeyskaya, M.-2003.

2. “Grammar in use” for intermediate students R. Murfhy, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

3. “Vocabulary in use”, Intermediate, Stuart Redman with Ellen Shaw, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

4. “Test your Professional English”, Alison Pohl, Series editor:Nick Brieder, 2003.


a) to teach students to do morphological analysis of words, paying attention to the Greek term – elements

b) to find “Past PerfectTense”, “Future Perfect Tense”in the text

c) to develop students’ skills on monological speech on the given theme for making up a dialogue-conversation by using new lexics and grammar

d) to teach students to read the text with commenting and giving their opinion


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