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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


1. Which one is the official name of the country?

a) England

b) Great Britain

c) The United Kingdom oа Great Britain and Northern Ireland


2. What channel separates the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the continent?

a) North Channel

b) English Channel

c) St. George’s Channel


3. What seas is the UK washed by?

a) North Sea

b) Irish Sea

c) Caribbean Sea


4. How many countries does the UK consist of?

a) 3

b) 4

c) 2


5. Match the country of the UK and its capital:

  1. England
  2. Wales
  3. Northern Ireland
  4. Scotland
  1. Belfast
  2. Edinburgh
  3. London
  4. Cardiff


6. Which is the highest mountain in the UK?

a) Cape Horn

b) Ben Nevis

c) Everest


7. What are the most important rivers for the UK?

a) the Thames

b) the Ohio

c) the Severn



8. Who rules Britain officially?

a) the Queen

b) Prime Minister

c) the King


9. How many chambers does the British Parliament have?

a) 3

b) 5

c) 2


10. The capital of the UK is:

a) Dublin

b) London

c) Newcastle


11.Who rebuilt St. Paul’s Cathedral?

a) Edward the Confessor

b) Lord Mayor

c) Sir Christopher Wren


12.Traditionally London is divided into … parts.

a) 6

b) 4

c) 3


13.The Tower has served as …

a) citadel

b) palace

c) prison


14. What is Buckingham Palace famous for?

a) It is the biggest museum in London

b) It is the Queen’s official London residence.

c) There are memorials to Wellington and Nelson.


15. Match the name of the famous English writer and his work:

1) J. Swift

2) R. Burns

3) J. London

4) G. Chaucer

a) “The Canterbury Tales”

b) “Martin Eden”

c) “My heart’s in the Highlands”

d) “Gulliver’s Travels”


16. What holiday do the English celebrate on October, 31?

a) Boxing day

b) Halloween

c) Thanksgiving day

17. For breakfast Englishman always have …

a) porridge

b) haggis

c) omelet


18. Who sits in the British Parliament on a wool-sack covered with red cloth?

a) the Queen

b) the Lord-Chancellor

c) Prime Minister


19. According to the tradition the faces of Big Ben are light when …

a) New Year comes

b) the weather changes

c) the Parliament works


20. What park is the most famous in London?

a) Kensington Gardens

b) St. Jame’s Park

c) Hyde Park



Theme:“London is the capital of Great Britain”

Lexis:Words and word combinations of the theme

Grammar:Zero and definite articles with geographical names”

Aims. Didactic aims:

to form the following competence of students:


· communicative component:

1. to form and develop the students’ skills on discussing the content of the theme and dialogical speech


Urgency of the theme:

Medical students must know about London as English language is an international language so students should know about the capital of the United Kingdom.




13. The text “London”

14. Cutting Edge – Elementary

15. Material of the department


a) to enlarge students’ knowledge in the given theme for developing practical skills in commenting and giving their opinion

b) to develop students’ skills on monological and dialogical speech on the given theme by using new lexis and grammar

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