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Enrich Your Vocabulary

Part II

Tick the world of phrase you believe is nearest meaning to the key word. Answers are on page 152.

1. conjunction — A: crossroad. B: association. C: whim. D: set.

2. sub rosa— A: shabbily. B: carefully. C: secretly. D: idly.

3. commemorative— serving to A: memorize. B: organize. C: flatter. D: honour.

4. cartographer— A: heart specialist. B: astronomer. C: map maker. D: motor mechanic.

5. pervasive— A: dogged. B: sly. C: eerie. D: widespread.

6. primordial— A: springlike. B: uncorrupted. C: existing since the beginning. D: most important.

7. resuscitate — A: endow. B: wind. C: breathe. D: revive.

8. pulsate— A: roar. B: beat. C: thump. D: rattle.

9. motif —A: theory. B: theme. C: gesture. D: stratagem.

10. perjury— A: lie. B: outlet. C: insult. D: evasion.

11. cataclysm — A: vault. B: cliff. C: strident call. D: upheaval.

12. demonstrable— A: sharp. B: friendly. C: evident. D: outstanding.

13. irreparable— A: hateful. B: flawed. C: excessive. D: beyond repair.

14. prescience — A: naturalism. B: fussiness. C: fright. D: foreknowledge.

15. mettle— A: strangeness. B: courage. C: patience. D: power.

16. gyration— A: deception. B: tirade. C: collation. D: rotation.

17. inveigh— A: denounce. B: judge. C: cite. D: entice.

18. laconic— A: bitter. B: lazy. C: terse. D: mournful.

19. accredited— A: ready. B: certified. C: solvent. D: self-indulgent.

20. rapprochement— A: insinuation. B: scolding. C: reconciliation. D: procedure.

Answers(Part II)

1. conjunction— B: An associations with, a combination; a joining together. "The nurse worked in conjunction with the doctor." Latin conjungree (to connect).

2. sub rosa— C: Secretly; as, to receive money sub rosa. Latin (under the rose), origin unknown.

3. commemorative— D: Honouring; celebrating the memory of someone or something. Latin commemorare (to call to mind).

4. cartographer — C: Someone who makes maps. French carle (map).

5. pervasive— D: Widespread; as, the pervasive effects of a full moon. Latin pervadere (to go through).

6. primordial— C: Existing since the beginning; earliest; primeval; original; as, the primordial ocean. Latin primordius(original).

7. resuscitate— D: To revive; restore to vigour; bring back from apparent death; as, to resuscitate a withered plant. Latin resuscitare.

8. pulsate— B: To beat or throb rhythmically, as the pulse or heart. Latin pulsars (to strike; beat).

9. motif—B: Main theme or central idea in a work of art; as, motif in a Beethoven symphony. Latin movere (to move).

10. perjury— A: Lie; false statement made deliberately, Latin perjuare (to swear falsely).

11. cataclysm— D: Upheaval; catastrophe; violent, overwhelming change. Greek cataklusmos (a deluge).

12. demonstrable— C: Evident; apparent; whatever can be proved. Latin demonstrate (to indicate).

13. irreparable —D: Beyond repair or salvage; impossible to rectify; as, an irreparable loss. Latin irreparabilis.

14. prescience— D: Foreknowledge; seeing ahead of time what will happen. Latin praescire (to know before).

15. mettle— B: Courage; fortitude; spirit in meeting stress. Middle English metal, figuratively the fine quality of a sword.

16. gyration— D: Rotation; spiral motion. Latin gyrare (to turn).

17. inveigh— A: To denounce or rail; as, to inveigh against unfair treatment. Latin invere (to attack with word).

18. laconic— C: Terse, so stingy with words as to seem curt or brusque. Greek; like Laconian (Spartan).

19. accredited — B: Officially certified as meeting certain standards. French accrédité.

20. rapprochement— C: Reconciliation; re-establishing cordial relations; as, the rapprochement between the West and China. French rapprocher (to bring together).

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