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Enrich Your Vocabulary

Part III

Here are 20 ecclesiastical (related to church) words to test your knowledge of the language of the church (answers are on page 154).


1. acolyte — A: chant. B: attendant. C: deacon. D: declaration of faith.

2.canticle — A: prayer. B: hymn. C: spell. D: lesson.

3. celibate— A: innocent. B: renowned. C: respectful. D: unmarried.

4. conclave — A: procession. B: agreement. C: assembly of cardinals. D: reconciliation.

5.doctrine— A: teaching. B: morality. C: ideal. D: narrow view.

6. ecumenical— A: protestant. B: universal. C: vested with authority. D: sectarian.

7. episcopal— A: pious. B: in ornate style. C: relating to bishop. D: clerical.

8. genuflect— A: confess. B: sprinkle with water. C: bend the knee in reverence. D: make the sign of the cross.

9. homily— A: sermon. B: fable. C: biblical quotation. D: epitaph.

10. laity— A: church authorities. B: those outside the clergy. C: nonbelievers. D: breakaway faction.

11. icon— A: Eastern cleric. B: religious portrait. C: candle. D: memorial service.

12. parochial— A: partisan. B: sacred. C: rigidly orthodox. D: of a parish.

13. celestial— A: of great value. B: deceptive. C: heavenly. D: joyful.

14. prelate— A: novice, B: religious event. C: church dignitary. D: lecture.

15. seminary— A: Jewish place of worship. B: saint's day. C: council. D: school.

16. synod— A: ecclesiastical council. B: wrongdoing. C: scripture, D: sacrament.

17. tonsure— A: cushion. B: shaved head. C: cloak. D: order of service.

18. atheist — one who believes A: in reincarnation. B: that there is no God. C: in pagan religion. D: that man cannot know whether God exists.

19. canonize — A: to excommunicate. B: sing. C: declare a saint. D: preach.

20. crypt— A: underground chamber. B: crucifix. C: ecclesiastical body. D: myth.

Answers(Part III)

1. acolyte— B: Attendant to priest at the altar; devoted follower, as, a holy man surrounded by his acolyles, Greekakolouthos (follower).

2. canticle— B: Hymn or song, such as the Magnificant or Nunc Dimitiis. Latin cantus (song).

3. celibate— D: Unmarried, especially one who has taken a religions vow of chastity. "Roman Catholic priests remaincelibate." Latin caelebs (unmarried).

4. conclave— C: Assembly of cardinals to elect the Pope; the meeting place for that purpose. Latin con (together) andclavis (key).

5. doctrine— A: Teaching — religious, scientific or political; as, the doctrine of the divine right of kings. Latin doctrina(teaching).

6. ecumenical— B: Universal; representing the whole Christian world. 'The ecumenical movement embraces many denominations." Greek oikoumenikos (of the whole world).

7. episcopal— C: Relating to. or governed by, a bishop; thus the Church of the Province of South Africa is episcopalwhereas the Presbyterian Church (governed by elders) is not. Latin episcopus (bishop).

8. genuflect— C: To bend the knee in reverence. "Worshippers genuflect on approaching the altar." Latin genu (knee) and flectere (to bend).

9. homily— A: Sermon; religious address to a congregation. "The priest delivered a homily on charity." Greek homilia(discourse).

10. laity— B: All the people not included among the clergy.

11. icon— B: Religious portrait, usually of Christ, the Virgin Mary or a saint and traditionally painted in tempera on wood. Greek eikon (image).

12. parochial— D: Of a parish or narrow area. "The debate spread far beyond parochial boundaries." Latinparochialis (of the parish).

13. celestial— C: Heavenly or divine; relating to the sky. "The stars are often referred to as celestial bodies." Latincaelum (heaven).

14. prelate— C: Church dignitary of high rank, such as a bishop. Latin praelatus (preferred).

15. seminary— D: School; place of education, "A Roman Catholic seminary trains priests." Latin seminarium(seedplot).

16. synod — A: Ecclesiastical council; convention of the clergy and elders of a church; as, the General Synod, the highest governing body of the Dutch Reformed Church. Greek sunodos (meeting).

17. tonsure— B: Shaved part of a priest's or monk's head; the rite of shaving the heads of those entering priesthood or a monastic order. Latin tonsura (a shearing).

18. atheist— В: Someone who believes that there is no God. "Only an atheisi is certain there is no life after death." Greek a (not) and theos (God).

19. canonize — C: To declare someone a saint; as, Joan of Arc burned at the stake in 1431, was finally canonized in 1920. Greek kanon (rule).

20. crypt — A: Underground chamber, usually beneath a church, used as a chapel or burial place. Greek krupte (vault).

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