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X. Подберите к словам, данным в колонке А, соответствующие определения из колонки B.



1. excursion a. an activity to which one gives one’s time, whether as

2. ride work or for pleasure

3. trip b. a journey, especially a short one for pleasure or for a

4. destination particular purpose

5. pursuit c. a journey for pleasure, during which several places of

6. tour interest are visited

d. a short journey made for pleasure, usually by several

people together

e. a place to which someone is going or to which

something is sent

f. travel of the stated type on a animal or in a vehicle


XI. Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу местоимения (личные местоимения в именительном падеже, личные местоимения в объектном падеже, притяжательные местоимения, возвратные местоимения и абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений).

1. Once … have been asked to find a venue and organize a conference, there are certain key points … will need to know.

2. The next thing to decide is what he actually wants to achieve with … conference.

3. You may get all … sales people together and show … a new product.

4. Are the delegates paying for … or is the company paying?

5. Our manager is abroad now. And where is … ?


XII. Поставьте глагол в скобках в требующуюся видовременную форму.


1. Who (to decide) just to buy a package holiday at a fixed price?

2. He (not to go) to faraway places every summer.

3. You (to go) to the seaside by car tomorrow?

4. The travel agent (to talk) about the advantages of this tour at 5 o’clock yesterday.

5. They (to see) the advertisement of this excursion in the newspaper yesterday?


XIII. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление времен действительного залога.


1. Have they chosen the place of destination yet?

2. Did travel agencies start long ago?

3. They don’t put together such tours.

4. He is still busy buying Christmas presents, isn’t he?

5. The company had arranged a package holiday by the time our relatives came.



XIV. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребляя времена действительного залога.


1. Что делает бизнес турагенств рискованным?

2. Его любимое занятие это верховая езда, не так ли?

3. В прошлом году они потеряли много денег.

4. Они обсуждают точку зрения потребителя уже 30 минут.

5. Мы посоветовались с друзьями, прежде чем купили «горящий тур».


XV. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту. Ответы должны быть полными.


1. Why is travelling necessary to us all?

2. Do some people like to travel by plane?

3. Travel agents think that their customers consist of certain types of people, don’t they?

4. Who was one of the first travel agents?

5. Was the first tour in modern sense put together by Thomas Cook or his sons?


Вариант II.



1 Transportation is an important aspect in the total tourist indus­try because it is an essential feature of tourism.

2 During the 19th century railroads spread across Europe, North America and many other parts of the world. They formed the first successful system of mass transportation, carrying a lot of people to such English seaside resorts as Brighton, Margate and Blackpool.

3 Steamships were developed at the same time as railroads. By 1900, they were used for carrying passengers and freight.

4 In the second half of the 20th century the automobile has re­placed the railroad for most local travel. It offers convenience.

5 The traveller can depart from his own home and arrive at his destination without transferring luggage or coping with any of the other difficulties. The apparent costs of a trip by automobile are also lower, especially for family groups.

6 A very large percentage of domestic tourism now takes advan­tage of the automobile for transportation. In Europe, where the dis­tance from one national board to another may be very short, auto­mobiles are also used extensively for international journeys.

7 For long-distance travel, the airplane has replaced the railroad and the ship as the principal carrier. The railroads have suffered on short-distance routes as well as on long-distance routes. Motor bus­es or coaches as they are called in England have replaced railroad passenger service on many local routes.

8 Ships still play an important part in tourism for the purpose of cruising. A cruise is a voyage by ship that is made for pleasure rather than to arrive quickly at a fixed destination. The cruise ship acts as the hotel for the passengers as well as their means of transportation. When the tourists reach a port, they are usually conducted on one-day excursions, but they are to return to the ship to eat and to sleep.

9 Ships play another part in modern tourism as car ferries. Partic­ularly in Europe, the tourist who wants to have his car with him on a trip has to take advantage of car ferries across the English Chan­nel or the Strait of Gibraltar.

The airlines are now very prominent in the tourist industry and it is important to remember that there are two kinds of airline oper­ations, scheduled and nonscheduled.

10 A scheduled airline operates on fixed routes at fixed times ac­cording to a timetable that is available to the public.

11 A nonscheduled airline operates on routes and at times when there is a demand for the service. The sched­uled airlines aim their services primarily at business travellers, at people visiting friends and relatives, and at others who travel alone or in small groups. A scheduled airline flight is usually filled with travellers going to the same destination.

12 As seating capacity increased with the introduction of newer, larger and faster planes, the airlines were able to offer a percentage of their seats for sale through travel agents or tour operators.

13 IT stands for inclusive tour, a travel package that offers both transportation and accommodations, and often entertainment as well.

14 Another important abbreviation in tourism is CIT, charter inclu­sive tour is one that uses a charter plane for transportation. Charter plane is an aircraft that has been rented to fly when and where the service is necessary. Charter inclusive tours are sold at even lower fares than the inclusive tours on the scheduled airlines.



the English Channel Ла-Манш

the Strait of Gibraltar Гибралтарский пролив






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