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X. Подберите к словам, данным в колонке А, соответствующие определения из колонки B.



1. goal a. the business of encouraging people to buy goods

2. promotion by means of advertisements

3. publicity b. money which one receives regularly usually as

4. advertising payment for one’s work or interest from investment

5. income c. a position or object one wishes to reach or obtain

6. benefit d. anything that brings help, advantage or profit

e. an activity intended to help the development or

success of something

f. the business of bringing someone or something to

the attention of the public



XI. Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу местоимения (личные местоимения в именительном падеже, личные местоимения в объектном падеже, притяжательные местоимения, возвратные местоимения и абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений).

1. What kind of travel do … prefer?

2. A travel agent has to try to maintain good eye contact with … client.

3. If … looks away clients will think the travel agent is no longer paying attention to them.

4. You should find information … .

5. Our employees are loyal to … company. What about …?


XII. Поставьте глагол в скобках в требующуюся видовременную форму.

1. He (not to know) that publicity (to consist) of stories placed in newspapers.

2. She (not to bring) this brochure yet.

3. He (to want) to attract prosperous people in this project.

4. They (to report) all important information by the end of the next week.

5. Who (to define) three aims of tourist promotion yesterday?


XIII. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление времен действительного залога.

1. Do you term publicity a free advertising?

2. These people are answering questions from their own experience.

3. This category includes industrial workers with much larger disposable incomes.

4. Will he publish the article under such strange heading?

5. They provided us with free trip to advertising agency in Moscow.


XIV. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребляя времена действительного залога.


1. Они уже достигли поставленной цели?

2. Разве они являются жителями городского центра?

3. Мы сейчас обсуждаем рекламу нового торгового центра.

4. Завтра они подготовят отчет обо всех рекламных агентствах.

5. Они описали все преимущества «ознакомительного тура» в своей статье вчера.


XV. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту. Ответы должны быть полными.

1. What is the first aim of tourist promotion?

2. Was summer the traditional vacation season in many countries?

3. Professional writers journey from resort area to resort area, don’t they?

4. Does tourist advertising appear to be a large or small business in itself?

5. What do tour operators distribute in large numbers to travel agents?


Вариант V.



1 Tourism is a relatively new phenomenon in the world. Tourism has been one of the fastest growing industries in recent years. The growth rate of tourism has generally exceeded the growth rate for the worldwide economy. Sometimes it seems as though a new re­sort area springs up every day wherever there is sun and sea.

2 Since being away from home is a necessary component of tour­ism, its development as a mass industry depended on modern means of rapid and inexpensive transportation. Tourism as we know it today began with the building of the railroads in the 19th century. Steamships also increased tourism, especially across the North Atlantic. The automobile and airplane in still more recent times have also become major modes of transportation for recrea­tive purposes.

3 The greatest growth in international tourism has taken place only since the end of World War II in 1945, and it has paralleled the growth of air transportation.

4 Industrialization has produced the other conditions that are necessary for tourism. Among them is the creation of a large num­ber of people with an amount of disposable income — income above and beyond what is needed for basic expenses such as food, shelter, clothing and taxes.

5 Another important condition is urbanization, the growth of large cities. Residents of big population centers take more holiday trips than residents of rural areas. Anyone who has been to Rome in July can not help but observe that a great many of the inhabi­tants are away on vacation.

6 Before industrialization, there was a sharp distinction between the leisure class and the working class. Nowadays the concept of leisure in the form of long weekends and paid vacations has spread to the working class. This may be the most important factor in modern tourism. Millions of factory workers in northern European countries take their paid vacations in sunny southern European countries. In many cases government, unions, or employers subsi­dize the cost of the holiday partly or wholly. This subsidized rec­reational travel is called social tourism.

7 The importance of the industrialization can be seen from the fact that approximately 75% of international tourists come from industrialized countries. The United States of America and Federal Republic of Germany account for about half of this tourist traffic.

8 Sun-and-sea areas that are near the major markets for tourists derive a large part of their income from tourism. It should be noted that tourism benefits not only airlines, hotels, restaurants, and taxi drivers, but also many commercial establishments and even the manufacturers of such varied items as sunglasses, video cameras, and swimming clothing.

9 One of the principal reasons for encouraging a tourist industry in many developing countries is the so-called multiplier effect of the tour­ist dollar. Money paid for wages or in other ways is spent not once but sometimes several times for other items in the economy — the food that hotel employees eat at home or the houses in which they live, or the durable goods that they buy. In some countries the multiplier can be a factor as high as 3, but it is often a lower number because of leakage. Leakage comes from the money that goes out of the economy either in the form of imports that are necessary to sustain the tourist industry or in profits that are drained off by investors.

10 Another attraction of the tourist industry for the developing countries is that it is labor-intensive; that is, it requires a large number of workers in proportion to the people who are served.






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