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Seasons and Weather

There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Every season is good in its own way. The weather depends on the season and the climate of the country.

The weather, as you know, changes with the changing of the season. Consider autumn, for example. In autumn the sky is often cloudy; the sun hides behind the clouds and then appears again. Its rays have already lost their strength, and the sun is not so bright as it was in summer. The air can be moist. Days get shorter and nights – longer. In late autumn the frost covers the ground at night. As autumn is a rainy season, the weather is mostly dull. And of course, we do not like rain of any kind, even if it just drizzles. But there is a spell of sunny weather in late September, which we call Indian summer, when the sky is cloudless and there is a carpet of multicoloured leaves on the ground. But in any case nature fades away and nothing can be done about it. I must confess, I do not like autumn, but a lot of people try to look at the reverse side of the medal. As they say, it is the time of harvesting tasty fruit and vegetables, the time of the beautiful golden leaves, the time when nature is very attractive.

In winter the sun seldom shines; its rays are plate; it sets early and rises late. The air is frosty; large snowflakes slowly fall to the ground; the streets are slippery with a thick sheet of ice, they are frozen. The icicles glitter in the sun; the temperature falls, and snow may fall thick. Going out in such weather is not pleasant, but children enjoy throwing snowballs and making a snowman. Their cheeks are burning with frost.

By the end of winter the snow begins to melt. Thaw sets in. The sun grows warmer, and soon there won’t be any ice but plenty of water. The rivers are in flood. Nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The trees begin to bud and soon tiny green leaves will appear. Thin new blades of grass come up, the fruit trees begin to blossom. “April showers bring May flowers,” as the saying goes. Trees, bushes and fields look magic covered with green carpet. The farmers till the soil and sow the seed. Nature looks full of promise!

After spring comes summer. As a great Russian poet Pushkin said, “Oh, summer fine! I’d love you but for the heat, mosquitoes and flies!” In fact, sometimes the heat is oppressive. But people usually like summer because they have their holidays and enjoy resting after their hard work.

In my opinion every season is beautiful and attractive. And as one of the famous poets said, “I see no reason to speak in prize of any season.”

Word List:

in its own way –по-своєму

to depend on –залежати від

cloudy –хмарний

to hide –ховатися

to appear –показуватися

ray –промінь

strength –сила

moist –вологий

the frost covers the ground –паморозь вкриває грунт

dull –нудний, тьмяний, похмурий

of any kind –в будь-якому вигляді

even if it just drizzles –навіть якщо це просто мряка

Indian summer –бабине літо

cloudless –безхмарний

multicoloured –різнобарвний, багатобарвний

to fade away –вянути

I must confess –я повинен зізнатися

reverse side of medal –зворотній бік медалі

harvest –врожай, жнива

tasty –смачний

attractive –привабливий

pale –блідий

snowflakes –сніжинки

slippery –ковзкий

thick sheet of ice –товстий шар льоду(криги)

icicle –бурулька

to make a snowman –ліпити сніговика

cheek –щока

to burn –палати, горіти

to melt –танути

thaw –відлига

to bud –пускати бруньки

tiny –крихітний

blade –листок, бадилинка

grass –трава

to blossom –цвісти, розпускатися

shower –злива

bush –кущ

to look magic –виглядати чарівним

to till the soil –орати землю

to sow the seed –садити насіння, зерна

to look full of promise –бути сповненим обіцянок

but for –якби не

heat –спека

mosquito –комар

fly –муха

oppressive –спекотний, задушливий

to speak in prize of –свідчити на користь

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