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3. Актуалізація опорних знань.Дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. What higher educational institutions are there in our town ?

2. What is the oldest university of Ukraine ?

3. What famous Ukrainian universities do you know ?

4. Do we have private educational establishments in our town?

5. Why do people enter the university?

Контроль вихідного рівня знань студентів.

Дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. What do you know from the history of our college?

2. How many faculties are there in our college ?

3. Whom do the college train ?

4. Where is the Agrarian college situated?

5. How we can get to the college ?

Інструктаж. Формування вмінь та навичок.

1. Написання твору.

2. Робота зі словником.

3. Діалогічне мовлення.

Підведення підсумків заняття, узагальнення та систематизація матеріалу.

7. Видача завдання для самостійної роботи.


My Favourite Sport

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volley-ball, football, basketball, etc.

All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadium, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields.

Sport is paid much attention to our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children’s daily activities in the kindergartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges.

Practically all kinds of sports are popular in our country, but football, gymnastics and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity. As for me, I go in for table tennis. It needs mobility and much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. I have been playing tennis for five years, but the more I play, the more I like it. I get a real joy taking part in competitions or simply playing with my friends. Sometimes, I go to tennis courts.

I watch closely all tennis competitions and championships. There are a lot of them, but my favourite championship is Wimbledon because old tennis traditions remains there as they are. Some of the most well-known Wimbledon champions are: John McEnroe, Boris Becker, Steffi Graf, Monica Seles. My dream is to get a chance to watch at least one of them playing.


personal initiative –з особистої ініціативи

necessary facilities –необхідні умови

to paid attention to –звертати увагу на

compulsory –обов’язковий

to enjoy popularity –користуватись популярністю

mobility –рухливість

to remain –залишатися


There are moments in every person’s life when he wants to travel. Everyone understands traveling in his own way. Some people consider trips to new towns and countries offered by different tourist firms to be the best way to travel.

The others prefer walking tours and tourism. There is nothing more beautiful for them than walking in some pinewood, or rowing down the river in a boat, or even riding a bicycle and enjoying the landscape.

There are also people who are fond of mountain climbing. The most unforgettable feeling for them is the one you have at the peak of the mountain. And the view, which opens from it, is just magnificent.

The sea has also attracted mankind as one of the powers of nature. That is why sea tours are very popular among people. They offer a great possibility to enjoy the sight of the sea in different seasons and weather, and also to open some new towns and countries for oneself.

For some people traveling is associated with visiting ancient cities. There one can see ancient palaces, cathedrals and fortresses, visit different museums and follow the flow of time.

There also exists a very interesting and cheap kind of traveling – hitch-hiking. It is very popular among young people. And it is not surprising – one can get a real adventure full of romantics. And there are also people who like exotic kinds of traveling, like traveling on a balloon. But onlybold people can risk and surrender themselves wholly to the will of the wind.

Speaking about different types of traveling, one should say that any of them is a good method of having a rest and spending some new unusual life.


pinewood –сосновий ліс

to row –пливти у човні

unforgettable feeling –незабутнє враження

flow of time –плин часу

hitch-hiking –автостоп

bold –сміливий

surrender –здаватися, віддаватися

Word list:

to be fond of –захоплюватись

to keep oneself fit and healthy –підтримувати форму і бути здоровим

relevance –доречність

capacity –здатність

to predispose –привертати

to serve to the purpose –слугувати меті

to foster –заохочувати, сприяти

to extend –опікуватися

social activity –громадська діяльність

outdoor winter sports –зимові ігри на відкритому повітрі

shooting –стрільба

hunting –полювання

tobogganing –санний спорт

figure-skating –фігурне катання

ski-jumping –стрибки на лижах

skating-rink –ковзанка

to afford excellent opportunities for smth. –надавати чудові можливості

yachting –вітрильний спорт

to establish oneself in favour –бути в пошані

lawn-tennis –великий теніс

to indulge in smth. –захоплюватись чимось

track and field events –легка атлетика

callisthenics –художня гімнастика

enthusiast –ентузіаст

to initiate into smth. –залучати до чогось

tournament –турнір, змагання

to make smb. kin –робити когось близьким

inactive –пасивний

boxing –бокс

canoeing –веслування на каное, байдарках

cycling –велосипедний спорт

diving –стрибки у воду

to do aerobics –займатись аеробікою

to do karate –займатись карате

horse riding –кінний спорт

motor racing –автогонки

parachuting –стрибки з парашутом

rock climbing –скелелазання

roller skating –катання на роликах

rowing –веслування

scuba diving –підводне плавання

target sports –стрілецький спорт

water polo –водне поло

wrestling –боротьба

athlete –спортсмен

to be keen on –бути захопленим

captain –капітан

coach –тренер

to compete in a sport –змагатися

defender –захисник

goalkeeper –воротар

team –команда

referee –суддя

score –рахунок

spectator –глядач

striker –нападаючий

to take part in a competition –брати участь у змаганні

to win match –виграти матч

to lose game –програти гру

international championship –міжнародний чемпіонат

indoor games –ігри в закритому приміщенні

outdoor games –гра на відкритому повітрі

to play for a team –грати за команду

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