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How sporty are you ?

1.How often do you do sport every week ?

a) 2 or 3 times;

b) never;

c) every day;

2. On a cold wet Sunday afternoon what would you prefer to do ?

a) watch sport on TV;

b) go to the cinema;

c)go out and play games;

3. How much can you remember about the last Olympics ?

a) nothing;

b) the name of 2 gold medal winners;

c) the name of 5 or more gold medal winners;

4. During the last Olympics, which of these things did you do ?

a) you did your homework very quickly to watch it;

b) you didn’t do any homework and watched everything;

c) you didn’t watch any of it;

5. Do you look forward to your PT lessons ?

a) no, I hate them!

b) not very much;

c) yes, I love them;

6. Which of these things have you got in your bedroom ?

a) lots of sports posters and books;

b) only one or two sports posters;

c) no sports posters or books;

7. Have you ever dreamed about your favourite sport ?

a) never;

b) sometimes;


8. Are you going to play sport this weekends ?

a) yes;

b) possibly;

c) no.


1. a)1; b)0; c)2;

2. a)1; b)0; c)2;

3. a)0; b)1; c)3;

4. a)2; b)0; c)1;

5 a)0; b)1; c)2;

6. a)2; b)1; c)0;

7. a)0; b)1; c)2;

8. a)2; b)1; c)0;

My Favourite Occupation

Hobby is a favourite occupation of a person in his free time. I have many friends. They are very different and they have different kinds of hobbies.

One of my friends, for example, likes to knit very much. In the evening she sits on the sofa and knits a beautiful pullover or a sweater. She also knits for her little sister, her mother and her friends.

Another friends of mine spends all her time sewing things: skirts, blouses, dresses. She makes it nicely and she always looks good.

One of my friends likes to make everything with his own hands. He can repair an iron, a radio-set or a taperecorder. I thing it’s a very good hobby.

Many children and grown-ups are very fond of collecting. Some people collect old coins, others collect postcards. As for me, my hobby is collecting stamps. Now I have 5 albums full of stamps, it is more than one thousand stamps.

I like to sit at a table in the evening and arrange new stamps in the albums, or write in the names of the countries, or just look through them. Each stamp has a story to tell about distant countries and new people. I see pictures of people, birds and animals which I have never seen before. Kings and presidents pass before my eyes and I can follow the history of the whole nations. My hobby is not only wonderful but very useful, too.

Word list

to knit –вязати

to sew –шити

to repair –ремонтувати

coin -монета

to collect –колекціонувати

stamp –марка

to arrange– розміщувати

to look through– розглядати

Англійська мова 1 курс

Я – представник української молоді

Персональна біографія – 4

Моя сім’я – 6

Сім’я мого друга - 2

Де ми живемо – 4

Мій робочий день – 4

Все про час ( годинник ) – 4

Пори року, погода – 4

Дозвілля 8 Різномаїття захоплень – 4

Роль мистецтва в гармонійному розвитку людини – 2

А) театр – 2

Б) кіно – 2

Спорт – шлях формування характеру – 4

Мій улюблений вид спорту – 2

Подорож – засіб розширення світогляду – 4

Мандри вулицями мого міста – 4

У супермаркеті – 6

У ресторані – 4

Студентське життя

Освіта в Україні – 4

Мій навчальний заклад – 2

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