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Shop – assistant Customer

Greet the customer and offer help/

Ask to see some computers.

Show the customer some models/

Ask for details: processor, RAM, etc.

Describe the speed in megahertz and the main memory/

Ask about the hard disk.

Give explanations (MB storage capacity, etc.)/

Ask about the monitor and other features.

Give the required information/

Ask the price.

Give the price and explain different ways of paying/

Decide to buy one. Thank.

7.Виконання граматичних вправ на базі знань і навичок з Passive Voice

Для сильних студентів – Passive Voice (Present Perfect, Future, Continuous)

8. Д/з зробити переклад технічних характеристик де – яких видів ПК (взяти за зразок текст “Compaq notebook”) , скласти та вивчити діалог на основі виконаної в класі рольової гри за тематикою заняття


Роздатковий матеріал до заняття № 14

1. Reading comprehension:

A Read the descriptions of the four people and the four computers below.With a partner, choose the most suitable computer for each person. Give reasons for your choices.

Danielis a history student. He needs a computer to write essays, assignments and letters.

Sarahis the manager of an advertising company. She needs a powerful system which will work with optical disks and multimedia applications, integrating text and pictures with animation and voice annotations. Digitized images and sound occupy a lot of disk space.

Andy is a CAD engineer. His job involves computer-aided design, simulations and three-dimensional modelling. These applications require a lot of memory and a large drive.

Tanyais a sales representative. She needs a lightweight machine with which she can process orders and communicate with head office while she is on the road.

Digital Alpha workstation

• 600 MHz 64-bit Alpha microprocessor

• 128 MB RAM expandable up to 1.5 GB

• Hard disk capacity: 9 GB

• Supports several graphics formats

• Lets you attach any peripherals and link up to any network

• Allows you to handle your toughest technical, scientific and business-critical applications

• Supports Digital UNIX, Open VMS and Windows operating systems

• 4,049


HP Vectra

• Pentium processor running at 333 MHz 6 32 MB of RAM

• High density 3.5", 1.44 MB floppy disk drive

• 32x CD-ROM drive

• 3.2 GB hard disk

• Network card

• Standard keyboard and Microsoft mouse

• Window

• 709


  Compaq notebook



300 MHz Pentium processor with MMX technology

• 64 MB RAM

• 6 GB hard drive and

3.5" floppy disk drive and CD-ROM drive

• Internal 56k modem

• 12.1" colour TFT display with high resolution

• Compaq trackball mouse

• Extended life NiMH battery

• Weighs only 6 lbs

• 2,399

Pover Macintosh

o Power PC processor at 400 MHz

o 128 MB of RAM expandible to 1 GB

o 1 MB of in-line cache on the processor card

o 16 MB of video RAM

o 12 GB hard disk

o 3,5 floppy drive

o Optional DVD-ROM drive

o Comes with AppleVision monitor, sound board, built-in microphoneand stereo speakers

o 2,999

2. Glossary:

Hard disk-твердий диск (вінчестер)

Pentium- процесор

Floppy disk- гнучкий диск

Floppy disk drive- накопичувач для гнучких дисків

Hard disk drive- накопичувач для жорстких дисків

Modem- устрій для демодуляції сигналів

Cache memory - вид пам’яті, швидший за оперативну

VMS – Virtual Memory System

CD – ROM drive – дисковод

To install – вводити

Lightweight- річ нижче стандартного розміру


digital – цифровий, пов'язаний з цифрами

3.Pair role game:

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