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Повідомлення теми. RAM та ROM .Лексика, читання тексту (ч.2): RОM

Предтекстове опрацювання нової лексики

Слова на дошку:

o expanding RAM capacity

o SIMMs – Single In – Line Memory Modules

o install in the motherboard

o cache

o speed up user’s work

o internal memory

o acronym

o Read Only Memory (ROM)

o to imply

o characters

o to erase

o firmware

Читання тексту (част.2, у роздатковому матеріалі до заняття № № 7)

Питання для після текстового обговорення:

1.What is RAM?

2.What memory section is also known as “firmware”?

3.What information is lost when the computer is switched off?

4.What is the typical unit used to measure RAM memory and storage device?

5.What is the meaning of acronym SIMM?

6.How can we store data permanently?

Узагальнення інформативно-лексичного матеріалу заняття на основі після текстових вправ(и) за вибором викладача (див. далі у роздатковому матеріалі до заняття № 8)

5 .Д/з: Основна пам’ять: RAM та ROM .Лексика, читання і переклад тексту (ч.2): RОM ,відповіді на питання (усно)

Роздатковий матеріал до заняття №8


Vocabulary quiz

In groups of three, write answers to these questions. The winners are the group that answers the most questions correctly in four minutes.

a. What are the main parts of the CPU?

b. What is RAM?

c. What memory section is also known as 'firmware'?

d. What information is lost when the computer is switched off?

e. What is the typical unit used to measure RAM memory and storage memory?

f. What is the meaning of the acronym SIMM?

g. What is a megahertz?

h. What is the ALU? What does it do?

i. What is the abbreviation for 'binary digit'?

j How can we store data and programs permanently?

Your idea! computer system

A Make notes about the features of the computer that you would like to have.


Useful expressions

It has got...


It's very fast. It runs at... The standard RAM memory ... and it is expa The hard disk can hold ... I need a SuperVGA monitor because ... As for the Internet...



B Now describe it to your partner.



Заняття № 9.

Тема:Комп’ютер, його складові.

Вид заняття: семінар за темами 1-8.

Мета:перевірити рівень засвоєних навичок з лексики, граматики (періодичний контроль).

Міжпредметний зв’язок: програмування, комп’ютерні технології.

Обладнання: дошка з варіантами самостійної роботи.

Хід заняття:

1. Організаційний момент (чергові, дата, відсутні).

2. Написання самостійної роботи по варіантах:


Variant 1 Variant 2
1.Translate into Ukrainian
1.software; 2.hardware ; 3.data ; 4.to accept dataі; 5.to process the information і; 6.to run a program ; 7.computers memory 8.to perform a set of instructions ; 9.screen ; 10.central processing unite ; 11.main memory ; 12.to execute program instructions ; 13.peripherals ; 14.storage devices ; 15.floppy disk; 16.disk drives ; 17.input/output devices ; 18.rear panel 1.the automatic cash dispenser; 2.to perform mathematical operations; 3.to solve difficult questions ; 4.to rely on ; 5.language learning ; 6.for administrative purposes ; 7.to keep records of students; 8.timing system ; 9.to give real-time information ; 10.drug detection test ; 11.to store information ; 12.the amount of money ; 13.enable ; 14.aссess ; 15.to carry out financial transactions ; 16.at high speed ; 17.control; 18 rear panel
2. Answer the questions:
1. What are the physical units attached to the computer called? 2. What is printer used for? 3. What does CPU consist of? 1. What fields of computers application do you know? 2. Which memory is lost when the computer is turned off? 3. How can we expand the RAM capacity?
3. Change the Active Voice into Passive.
  1. They designed different types of computer
  2. The microprocessor stores the required information RAM.
  1. The majory of the computers use a standard system.
  2. they received money from cash-dispensory.
4. Dictation 1. Immediate access store 2. Random Access Memory (RAM) 3. cell or memory address 4. in sequential order 5. turn (on) off the computer 6. save or store ( information ) on the disk 7. running an application 8. storage device 9. floppy or hard disk 10. expanding RAM capacity 11. SIMMs – Single In – Line Memory Modules 12. install in the motherboard 13. cache 14. speed up user’s work 15. internal memory 16. acronym 17. Read Only Memory (ROM) 18. to imply 19. characters 20. to erase firmware


Роздатковий матеріал до заняття № 9: семінар

Variant 1 Variant 2
1.Translate into Ukrainian
1.software; 2.hardware ; 3.data ; 4.to accept dataі; 5.to process the information і; 6.to run a program ; 7.computers memory ; 8.to perform a set of instructions ; 9.screen ; 10.central processing unite ; 11.main memory ; 12.to execute program instructions ; 13.peripherals ; 14.storage devices ; 15..floppy disk; 16.disk drives ; 17.input/output devices ; 18.rear panel 1.the automatic cash dispenser; 2.to perform mathematical operations; 3.to solve difficult questions ; 4.to rely on ; 5.language learning ; 6.for administrative purposes ; 7.to keep records of students; 8.timing system ; 9.to give real-time information ; 10.drug detection test ; 11.to store information ; 12.the amount of money ; 13.enable ; 14.aссess ; 15.to carry out financial transactions ; 16.at high speed ; 17.control; 18.rear panel
2. Answer the questions:
1.What are the physical units attached to the computer called? 2What is printer used for? 3.What does CPU consist of?   1.What fields of computers application do you know? 2.Which memory is lost when the computer is turned off? 3.How can we expand the RAM caoacity?
3. Change the Active Voice into Passive.
1.They designed different types of computer 2.The microprocessor stores the required information RAM. 1.The majory of the computers use a standard system. 2.Тhey received money from cash-dispensory.


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