Главная | Обратная связь

a. protoplasmatic astrocyte

b. fibrous astrocyte

c. +ependymocytes

d. oligodendrocytes

e. microglia


408. Type of necroglia that is designated with the letter Б:

a. protoplasmic astrocyte

b. +fibrous astrocyte

c. ependymocytes

d. oligodendrocyte

e. microglia


409. Type of neuroglia that is designated with the letter B:

a. protoplasmatic astrocyte

b. fibrous astrocyte

c. ependymocytes

d. oligodendrocyte

e. +microglia






410. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter A:

a. node of Ranvier

b. +myelin sheath

c. axon

d. Schwann cell nucleus

e. Schwann’s sheath


411. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter Б:

a. +node of Ranvier

b. myelin sheath

c. axon

d. Schwann cell nucleus

e. Schwann’s sheath


412. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter B:

a. node of Ranvier

b. myelin sheath

c. +axon

d. Schwann cell nucleus

e. Schwann’s sheath


413. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter Г:

a. node of Ranvier

b. myelin sheath

c. axon

d. +Shwann cell nucleus

e. Shwann’s sheath


414. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter Д:

a. node of Ranvier

b. myelin sheath

c. axon

d. Schwann’s cell nucleus

e. +Shwann’s sheath


415. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter E:

a. node of Ranvier

b. +incisures of Schmidt-Lantermann

c. axon

d. Schwann cell nucleus

e. Schwann’s sheath






416. Structure of the pancreatic Vater-Pacini corpuscle that is designated with the letter A:

a. adipose tissue

b. +inner flask

c. outer flask

d. loose irregular fibrous connective tissue

e. acini


417. Structure of the pancreatic Vater-Pacini corpuscle that is designated with the letter Б:

a. adipose tissue

b. inner flask

c. +outer flask

d. loose irregular fibrous connective tissue

e. acini


418. Structure of the pancreatic Vater-Pacini corpuscle that is designated with the letter B:

a. +adipose tissue

b. inner flask

c. outer flask

d. loose irregular fibrous connective tissue

e. acini






419. Structure of the posterior wall of the eye, that is designated with the letter A:

a. choroid

b. inner nuclear layer

c. external nuclear layer

d. layer of rods and cones

e. +pigment cell layer


420. Structure of the posterior wall of the eye, that is designated with the letter Б:

a. layer of ganglion cells

b. inner nuclear layer

c. external nuclear layer

d. +layer of rods and cones

e. pigment cell layer


421. Structure of the posterior wall of the eye, that is designated with the letter B:

a. layer of ganglion cells

b. inner nuclear layer

c. +external nuclear layer

d. layer of rods and cones

e. pigment cell layer


422. Structure of the posterior wall of the eye, that is designated with the letter Г:

a. layer of ganglion cells

b. +inner nuclear layer

c. external nuclear layer

d. layer of rods and cones

e. pigment cell layer


423. Structure of the posterior wall of the eye, that is designated with the letter Д:

a.+layer of ganglion cells

b. inner nuclear layer

c. external nuclear layer

d. layer of rods and cones

e. pigment cell layer






424. Structure of the cochlea, that is designated with the letter A:

a. tympanic canal of cochlea (scala tympani)

b. scala media

c. +scala vestibuli

d. spiral organ

e. spiral ganglion


425. Structure of the cochlea, that is designated with the letter Б:

a. tympanic canal of cochlea (scala tympani)

b. +scala media

c. scala vestibuli

d. spiral organ

e. spiral ganglion


426. Structure of the cochlea, that is designated with the letter B:

a. tympanic canal of cochlea (scala tympani)

b. scala media

c. scala vestibuli

d. +spiral organ

e. spiral ganglion


427. Structure of the cochlea, that is designated with the letter Г:

a. +tympanic canal of cochlea (scala tympani)

b. scala media

c. scala vestibuli

d. spiral organ

e. spiral ganglion


428. Structure of the cochlea, that is designated with the letter Д:

a. tympanic canal of cochlea (scala tympani)

b. scala media

c. scala vestibuli

d. spiral organ

e.+spiral ganglion





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