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Exercise 8. Give suitable headlines to each paragraph.

Exercise 9. Write an essay to the given topic: What cultures mostly influence the Kazakhstani one?

(use 100 words)


Give the right variant:

1. Give the equivalent to «Она была принята в медицинский колледж»

a) She was admitted to medical school.

b) She decided to continue her education in Paris.

c) It was difficult for her to start a practice in the USA.

d) A serious eye infection made her abandon her dream of becoming a surgeon.

2. Give Russian equivalent to “She decided to continue her education in Paris.”

a) Она была принята в медицинский колледж в Париже.

b) Она не училась в Париже.

c)Она передумала учиться в Париже.

d)Она решила учиться в Париже.

3. Which sentence is used in the Past Simple?

a) She was a woman.

b) She wrote too many letters.

c) She couldn’t graduate from medical school.

d) She couldn’t establish her hospital.

4. Which sentence is used in the Past Simple negative?

a) She was a woman.

b) She has written too many letters.

c) She couldn’t graduate from medical school.

d) She can’t establish her hospital.


  English Russian Kazakh
jaws[dʒɔ:z] ақыл үйрету нравоучения
harassment[hə’ræsmənt, hærəsmənt] қам , тынышыздану забота, беспокойство
primordial[prai’mɔdi əl] бастауыш первичный, начальный
Covert[kɔ’v ə: t] баспана, жасырын убежище, скрытый
infection [ ɪn’fekʃən ] инфекция инфекция, заражение
own[oʊn] меншiк собственный
Establish [is’t æ bli ʃ] ашу открыть
Tribe [traib] ру племя
Cure [‘kjʋər] емдеу лечить
prophecy ['prɒfɪsɪ] болжау предрекать


Office hours

Watch the following films and prepare your speech on them. Film Suggestion. “G. I. Jane” (1997).“Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993)..Read the poem “Cross” with proper intonation and stress, [Part III, p.187], learn it by heart.


Get ready for discussion of the film “Tootsie” (1982). What does the film say to views about current days men and women? What has changed in their relations nowadays?

Be ready for discussion of the texts “Engineering as a profession” [Part III, p. 214].




1.R. Side and G. Wellman. Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced. Longman, 2006.

2. Зубанова И.В., Никольская А.И. Такая Разная Америка. Москва,2010.


3. Internet resource. www.vikipedia.

4.Nick Robinson and others. Face to face. CAE. Advanced. Student’s Book.2009.

5. Objective. CAE. Advanced. Student’s Book.2011.

6.Вайль П., Генис А. Американа. Слово, 2009



HAND-OUT № 135 Discipline: English as a foreign languageCredits: 2 Advanced LevelPractical lesson Lexical theme: Culture of the United States Grammatical theme: Structures with get and have. CausativesAssistant professor Akbalaeva Zh.K.

Warm up

Explain the following quotations:

Those who know nothing of the foreign languages know nothing of their own. (J.W. von Goethe)

Culture is widening of the mind and of the sperit. (J. Nehru )

GRAMMAR COMMENT: Structures with get and have. Causatives

We can use get and have in both active and passive patterns when we talk about making other people do something for us. (I’ll get the waiter to bring us menu I’ll have the waiter bring us menu.) The passive: I’ll have/get the menu brought to you. We can sometimes use get instead of be : They got punished by the principal.

Exercise 1. Complete each of the sentences using a causative form:

Example:Hasn’t that film developed yet?

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