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Exercise 8. Translate the second passage of the above given text. Give suitable headlines to each paragraph.

Exercise 9.Write a short plot of the Twain’s book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

(use 100words)


1. Give the appropriate equivalent to the gerund turning point

a) вызывающий момент

b) поворотный момент

c) проблемный момент

d) напрашивающийся момент

2. Give the appropriate equivalent to the gerund changing curriculum

a) видоизмененная дневная программа

b) меняющаяся типовая программа

c) обменная рабочая программа

d) сменная учебная программа

3. Give the appropriate equivalent to the gerund studying courses

a) учебные курсы

b) учебные работы

c) учебные занятия

d) учебные кабинеты

4. Give the appropriate equivalent to the gerund narrating episode.

a) описание картины

b) повествование эпизода

c) хроника эпизода

d) документ на картину


  English Russian Kazakh
Breadth [‘bredð] ширина кеңдік, кеңінен
Sensitivity[‘sensi’biliti] чувствительность сезімталдық
Condemnation[kən’demneiʃn] осуждение айыптау, қаралау, кінәлау
Banned[bænd] запрещенный тыйым салынған
Controversy ['kɒntrə‚vɜ:rsɪ] противоречие қарамақарсылық
portrayal [pɔ:r'treɪəl] описание, изображение бейнелеу, баяндау
landscape ['lænd‚skeɪp] пейзаж пейзаж
Challenged book ['tʃælɪndʒəd buk] пользующаяся спросом книга Көп оқылатын кітап
curriculum [kə'rɪkjələm] учебная программа Оқулық программа
narration ['næreiʃn] повествование Баяндама, әнгіме
Office hours

Film suggestion (watching and discussion)“Dead Poets Society” (1989), starring Robin Williams/Ethan Hawke/R.S.Leonard.

Read the poem “He Sendeth Sun, He Sendeth Shower” with proper intonation and stress, [Part III, 184], learn it by heart.


Read and translate the texts for specific purpose “American magazines” , “Radio and television”[Part III, pp.212-213] and be ready for discussion of it.

Get ready for the discussion of the film “Dead Poets Society”. What are the most important words in the movie?



1.R. Side and G. Wellman. Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced. Longman, 2006.

2. Зубанова И.В., Никольская А.И. Такая Разная Америка. Москва,2010.


3.Туробов А. Америка каждый день. Заметки натуралиста. Новый мир, №4/2008.

4. Nick Robinson and others. Face to face. CAE. Advanced. Student’sBook.2009.

5.The Poems of Emily Dickinson Edited by R. W. Franklin (Harvard University Press, 1999)

HAND-OUT №132 Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits:2 Advanced LevelPractical lesson Lexical theme: Media Grammatical theme:Adjectives as abstract nouns Assistant professor Akbalaeva Zh.K.

Warm up

Explain the following proverbs:

If you will learn news, you must go to the oven or the mill. (English Proverb)

He that brings good news, knocks hard. (English Proverb)


GRAMMAR COMMENT: Adjectives as abstract nouns


Grammar:There are few adjectives we can use as abstract nouns.Out with the old, in with the new! I believe in the supernatural! The good, the bad, and the ugly. Adjectives as abstract nouns use a singular verb: The unknown is often very frightening. Adjectives are used in the English language to describe different objects, people or places, adding detail to any sentence or description. However, words in the English language are adaptable to many different sentences and situations. The same adjectives that are used as descriptive words in one sentence can also be used as nouns. It all depends upon what adjectives you are using and how they are being used.

Exercise1. Translate the following sentences with underlined adjectives (as abstract nouns) into Russian:

1.The wounded were taken to the nearest hospital.

2.I live next to the nursing home for the very old.

3.The young don’t seem interested in politics nowadays.

4. He gave all his money for the poor.

5.The rich don’t understand our problems

Exercise 2.

Explain the use of italicized words in the following sentences:

"We were too poor to afford that car." "He donated his car to the poor, "He was a wiseold man," "A word to the wise."


Exercise 3.[Part III, pp.162] R. 4.4 [8, p.42] Listen to the text.Mark sentences T-true, F-false.

1.Tabloid paper is smaller, the so-called quality press, tend to be bigger.    
2. A tabloid newspaper tends to have huge pictures, huge headlines………..    
3. The tabloid paper tend to have a much bigger circulation.    
4. The quality press has a much bigger circulation than tabloid paper    
5. The broadsheet newspapers tend to focus on the more serious stories – political stories.    

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