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Exercise 8. Give suitable headlines to each paragraph.

Exercise 9. Write a short opinion essay on the topic: The most useful program of Kazakhstani television. (100 words)


Give the right variant:

1. Put appropriate expression. Uncle Carl is really ______________________ man.

a) an old sweet

b) a sweet, old

c) a sweet old

d) sweet and old

2. Put appropriate form of the adjective. Of all the mechanics in the shop, Jerzy is surely ______________ .

a) the less competent.

b) the least competent.

c) the competentest

d) competent at least

3. Put appropriate form of the adjective. In the fall, the valleys tend to be ___________ than the hilltops.

a) foggy

b) more foggiest

c) foggier

d) fogger

4. Put appropriate form of the verb. My cold is definitely _________ this morning.

a) worse

b) worst

c) worser

d) worsest


  English Russian Kazakh
Advancement [əd’va:nsmənt] продвижение алға жылжу
Inventions [invenʃnz] изобретения ойлап шығару
Benefit[‘benefit] выгода, польза Пайда
Gains[geinz] обретать онімдеп алу
Amenable[ə ‘mi:n b(ə)l ответственный Жауапкерлі
Flurry ['flə:rɪ, 'flʌrɪ] суматоха аласапыран, қарбалас
late-night program[‘leit ‘nait ‘prougr æ m] ночные программы Тунгіпрограммалар
broadcasting [brɔ:dkɑ:stɪɪŋ] вести передачу Программа жургізу
To remain on the air [tə ‘ri’mein ən ði eər] оставаться в эфире Эфирде болу
Soap opera[‘soup 'ɒpərə] мыльная опера Сабын опера
Office hours

Film suggestion “Gone with the Wind” (1939), starring Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O’Hara.

Read the poem “The Media” with proper intonation and stress, [Part III, pp.185], learn it by heart.

Answer the questions: Do you watch talk shows? Do you prefer serious or silly ones? Do you think it’s fun to be in a studio audience? Have you ever taken part in the talk shows? Why does the author call talk shows “a rather strange institution”?

Be ready for discussion of the texts for specific purpose ”American Magazines“, Radio and television”[Part III, pp.212-213].


1.R. Side and G. Wellman. Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced. Longman, 2006.

2. Зубанова И.В., Никольская А.И. Такая Разная Америка. Москва,2010.


3. R.Side and G. Wellman. Grammar and Vocabulary for CA. Longman, 2009.

4. Internet resource. www.vikipedia. 8.Face to Face. Advanced. Student’s Book.2011.


HAND-OUT №133 Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits:2 Advanced levelPractical lesson Lexical theme: The Origin of American Nation Grammatical theme: The use of capital letters. Assistant professor Akbalaeva Zh.K.

Warm up

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