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Which of the upper given commanders are proverbs?

Exercise 9.Ever since the times of the first Puritans, disciplined and productive activity has been highly valued in American society. In the land of the “elected few”, the Dollar has always been the measure of human worth, the maker of friends and the influencer of people. No doubt, it’s the basic unit of energy, but what do you think of the phrases:Money makes the WorldandMoney makes the World go round.Are they similar or different? Write a hundred word essay on the theme.

Give the right variant:

1. The culture of the United States is influenced by…….?

a) European culture

b) American culture

c) English culture

d) Russian culture

2. The culture of the United States has the image of a……?

a) melting snow

b) melting ice

c) green salad

d) salad bowl

3. Culture has a …………..origin.

a) Latin

b) Greek

c) French

d) English

4. In the original Latin, the word cultura referred to ….?

a) the development of country

b) the cultivation of soil

c) the bringing up children

d) the produce of tools


  English Russian Kazakh
equipment [ɪ'kwɪpmənt] оборудование қурал-жабдық
complicated ['kɒmplə‚keɪtɪd] усложненный қыйындастыру
ferocious [fə'rəʋʃəs] жестокий, свирепый қатал
Formidable[‘fɔ: mid æ əbəl ] страшный, грозный қорқынышты
cheerleaders [ ‘chir-‘li:dərz ] группа поддержки, лица подающие сигнал к овации сүйемелдеушілер
Lengthy[le ŋθi] длинный узын, узақ
explicit [ɪk'splɪsɪt] ясный, точный анық
Salad bowl[‘s æl əd ‘baul] Чашка салата Бір шынаяқ салат
Slashed prices[‘slæʃ ‘praisiz]   Сниженные цены Томендеткен баға
melting pot [‘meltiŋ ‘pot] Кипящий котел қайнаған қазан


Office hours

Report or write an essay on Russian and Kazakh cultures.

Read the poem“Fire and Ice ”  with proper intonation and stress [Part III, p.189], learn it by heart.


Read and translate the text for specific purpose “International Organizations: United Nations”, [ PartIII, 215-216] .



1.R. Side and G. Wellman. Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced. Longman, 2006.

2. Зубанова И.В., Никольская А.И. Такая Разная Америка. Москва,2010.

3.Gillie Cunnigham and Jan Bell with Chris Redston Face to Face. Advanced. Student’s Book. Cambridge,2010.


4. T. Aspinall, A. Capel. Advanced Master Class. New Edition. Oxford, 2009.

5. Objective. CAE. Advanced. Student’s Book.2011.

6.Вайль П., Генис А. Американа. Слово, 2009.


HAND-OUT № 136 Discipline: English as a foreign languageCredits:2 Advanced LevelPractical lesson Lexical theme: British Traditions and Customs Grammatical theme: Collocation. Assistant professor Akbalaeva Zh.K.

Warm up. Give your ideas on the following quates: 1. 1.“Just because something is traditional is no reason to do it, of course.” ― Lemony Snicket, The Blank Book
2. 2. Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.” ― Jacques Barzun 3. 3.“Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay.” ― Jiddu Krishnamurti

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