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This is Shirley Fagan. She works for an advertising agency in Australia. Meet her and her A team, the group of people she works with.

a bit lazy sometim

The A team



Which sentences describe you? Compare yourself wilh your partner.

always on tim<

^ I'm well organised.

a hard wor Read on

>rke%A %fcften (eel stressed.

WW> often iatMft We're a great team

1 We interviewed Shirley Fagan about the people she works with. Match the people in Shirley's team with one of her descriptions.

I'm a bit UisoiydiiiseA

usually very relaxettft

1 My manager 4 My husband

2 My favourite colleague 5 My PA

3 My customer

Ail managers need a good assistant and Jack is fantastic. He's very good at organising things, very efficient. friendly and positive. He smiles all the time and always has a lot of energy.

Jean is from Pals and he's my boss. He's a great motivator - he gives me a lot of support and always tells me when I do a good job. One thing I don't like about him is that he's always ten minutes tate for meetincs.

John is the financial man in the team. He's a special character, good at his job. but some people don't like him because he can be very direct. Most people think he's rude. He's my husband but working together isn't a problem for us.

David's based in Darwin. He buys a lot from us but when we discuss prices he can be very aggressive and impatient. Sometimes I have to say 'no'. You can't always say 'yes' to your clients.

Katie is nice. She's a sales manager, responsible for New South Wales. She's very confident and so is excellent at presenting to customers. She's also very creative - she loves thinking about new products. We get on really well together. both in and outside the office.

30 Unit eight

competitive confident creative

2 Read the text again and match a person in Shirley's team with these sentences.

Who are the two most important people in your working life? Why? The words you need ... to describe people 1 Complete these sentences with a word from the box. You can use a dictionary to help you. 1 1 can do my job quickly and well. I'm very e£ftcuyrifc. 2 I always have a lot of new ideas. I'm very........................... 3 I hate waiting for anything. I'm very.............................. 4 I want to be the best! I'm very........................... 5 I say what I think. I'm very.......................... 6 I always arrive for meetings on time. I'm very............................... 7 I'm not afraid to speak English! I'm very.............................. Make sentences about people you know. your boss your customer your neighbour your children/parents your partner your teacher Example: My boss is very creative. 2 I-ook at two important ways to build sentences using quality adjectives. She's good at presenting. = the verb la be * adjective * at * activity She's an excellent tennis player. = the verb to be + a/an * adjective + personal noun Use the table below to make sentences about yourself. ( an ran add one or iwo of ram own iik-as '

wh.M do you think?

1 This person is not very popular with some colleagues.

2 This person is difficult to do business with.............................

3 This person has a lot of new ideas.

4 This person is not very punctual for meetings.......................

5 This person is very well organised.


Activity   Personal noun
Business General Business
presenting socialising presenter
managing people football manager
selling tennis sales person
(your ideas) (your ideas) (your ideas)

General soda User footballer tennis player (your ideas/

Quality adjectives


very good


not very good


very bad


Example: I'm great at presenting but not very good at making coffee!

It's time to talk

Describe a person you know. Don't say the name of the person or their job. Can the other people in class guess who you are describing? Talk about the following:


Job and responsibilities

Free-time interests

Two positive qualities Two negative qualities One quality of the person which is similar to you.




Uniteiqht 31

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