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Communicating at work

Meeting a visitor at the airport

1 Koji is a Japanese client of Shirley's. He plans to visit Perth lo see her


and confirms his visit by email. Complete the email using the words in the box.



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Hi Shirley

Just a short email :o give you my (1).......... details. The (2)...........

number is BC4567and I arrive at Perth at 11.15 on Thursday morning.

Please (3).......... that someone will (4)............ me at the airport. It not.

I will (5|............ a taxi to the hotel. I (6)............ to be at your office at

9.00 on Friday morning.

Look forward to (71.......... you.

Best (8)...........


2 Shirley meets Koji at the airport. Listen and tick (•) the sentences you hear. ►►! 8.1
It's good to see you again. How are you? No. 1 can manage, thanks.

Did you have a good trip? OK. Here we are.

Can I help you w.th your luggage? The car's in the car park.

At home it's cold and wet. How's the weather back home?

3 You are meeting an important client at the airport. Use the ideas below to role-play the meeting with your partner. Then change roles.


flight meet
seeing confirm
wishes arrival




How to welcome a visitor

a, lo.It'sgoodlo





Tell your visitor about the car
The cans .**


Ask about the trip


Did vou have

Continue with your own ideas.


Offer to help with their luggage

Ask about the weather back home

1 Remember

When welcoming visitors, remember to

• Welcome positively: Welcome to ...

• Ask polite questions: Is this your first time ... 1

• Offer nelp if they need it. Let me help you with

32 Unit eight

A Hi Three tickets lor the WemJella Lafc tour, please. (1). 8 That's $22.50. please A; Thanks. (2)........ leave, please? B: At 3 o'clock, in 25 minutes. A: OK. Thanks. Taking the train A Excuse me. (3).... ? B No You need to take the blue line A: OK. so where do I go' B. Go to Lake Street and transfer to the blue line and then (4)........ A: Great. Thanks for your help.

a Could I have a receipt b What lime does the next ferry c Keep the change d When's the next bus

listi'ii and check.

e Two adults and one child

( take it to the end of the line

g DoesthisgotoO'Hare Airport

h Can I get a bus to

Have a^o

Cover the dialogues above and make your own. starting with the words below

Buying a ticket Catching a bus

Hi... Excuse me. Can I...?

Taking the train Getting a cab

Excuse mo Does this go to...? How much ...




isc reading ihc dialogues wiih a partner

Unit nine 33

Listen to this

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