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It's my kind of town

1 Listen to Ellen talking about Chicago. Tick )•) the pictures she talks about. M9.2

Meet Ellen Zlotnick.

who lives in Chicago.

She will introduce

you to the city.


A Lebanese restaurant

The Sears Tower

Louis Armstrong

The Chicago Cubs




Which or these things do you have in your town or city?

Muhammad AH

The Taste of Chicago

2 Listen again. Are these sentences true or false? ►M9.2

1 Chicago has the oldest skyscraper in America. T

2 Chicago has the tallest building in the world. T I

3 There are four million visitors to The Taste of T Chicago.

4 The fiist McDonald's restaurant was T established in Chicago.

VVh.ii do vmi think'
The words you need ... to talk about city life

Would you like to visit Chicago? Which things would you like to see and do?

1 Look at the things you can go to or see in a big city. Match the words and pictures.


1 a statue 6 a bridge
2 an art gallery 7 a lake
3 a castle 8 a church
4 a square 9 a skyscraper
5 a theatre 10 a mosque

Al Capone

The Chicago tram



34 Unit nine

2 Look at the adjectives in these sentences and match them with theiropposites in the box.

1 Tile restaurants are very busy.

2 The streets are very safe at night.

3 The lakeside beach is very clean.

4 The city centre is very noisy.

5 Temperatures are very high in summer.

6 You need warm clothes in the spring.

7 Public transport is awful.

8 The city is beautiful a! night.

9 Tile nightclubs are always full.

Make sentences with the adjectives about where you live. Example: Where I live, the public transport is excellent.

A very important customer is visiting your organisation and wants to find out about where you live. Your partner is the visitor and will ask you questions about the things he/she can see and do. The person playing the visitor should make notes about what you say. Examples for a visitor to Prague: b Prague warm in the summett s. really warm. Il's loo h Are there a lol of things to do? ltes. sure. You can.


It's time to talk


cool dirty quiet
low ugly excellent
dangerous empty quiet



Things to see Things to do The weather The nightlife Restaurants Public transport Other ideas

Now change roles.

Visitor notes



You can use the adjectives you've learnt to describe the cilK you know;

• The city centre is very sale at night

• You need warm clothes in the autumn

• The river tsbsaulilul at night.

Unit nine 35

y On the agenda




Comparative and superlative adjectives


Weak stress 1


*. <*

Ablaziz Essteid travels 30

weeks a yearin

a trader for Total. Here talks about the different foods he eats aroundthe world.

Eating around the world

I Match the foods and countries.  
What kind of food do you prefer7 Why?  
Morocco curry
India roast beef and Yorkshire pudding
England burritos
Mexico foie gras
France couscous

Listen to this

2 Listen again. Are these sentences true or false?^H10.1 1 English food is heavier than French


food. T

2 London restaurants are more expensive

than restaurants in Paris.

3 Jordanian food is better than most European food. T

4 Restaurants are the best place to discuss business. T


Favourite food

1 Listen to Ablaziz talking about the food he eats when he travels on business. Which of the above countries does he talk about? ►HI 0.1


What do von think.'

Ablaziz says:'... for me. eating good food is one of the most important things in life.' Do you agree with Ablaziz?

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