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Джамгон Конгтрул (Jamgon Kongtrul)

Сокровищница знания (Sheja Dzo. Chapter 2.2. Vol.1. P.299).

Лобсан Чойки Гьялцен.

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Стрелков А.М.

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Тулку Ургьен Ринпоче.

Нарисованное радугой. М.: Шанг-Шунг, 1955. Гл.З.

Цонкапа Чже.

Три основы пути // Буддийские медитации. Пер., сост. и прим. М. Кожевниковой. СПб.: Нартанг, 2007. С. 198-200.

Последовательное руководство к глубокому пути шести учений Наропы «Обладающее троичной надежностью». СПб.: Нартанг, 2006. Пер. с тиб. А. Кугявичуса.


Введение в мадхьямаку. Пер. с тиб. А.М. Донца. СПб.: Евразия, 2004.

Чжамьян Кьенце.

Тантра: смерть и пробуждение // Буддизм России. №27. С. 9-14.

A khu rin po che shes rab rgya mtsho.

grub chen lU I ba'i lugs kyi dpal ‘khor lo sdom pa’i bskyed rim he ru ka’i zhal lung zhes bya ba bzhugs so – тибетский ксилограф из коллекции ИВР АН № В-7431-3.

Das. S.Ch.

Tibetan-English Dictionary. Kyoto, 1985.

Das S.K.

Basic Buddhist Terminology. Sarnath: Kargyud Relief & Protection Committee, Central University of Tibetan Studies, 2009.

Guenther H.

The Teachings of Padmasambhava. Leiden: Brill's Indological Library,1996.Vol. 12.

The Guhyagarbha Tantra. Secret Essence Definitive Nature Just As it is, with Commentary by Longchen Rabjam. Light of Berotsana. Snow Lion, 2012.

Hartzel J.

Tantric Yoga. (Doctoral Dissertation) Columbia University, 1997.

The Lankavatara Sutra. Tr. by D.T. Suzuki. (Repr.) Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1999.

Snellgrove D.

The Hevajra Tantra: A Critical Study. London, 1959.

Stearns Cyrus.

Luminous Lives: The Story of the Early Masters of the Lam'bras Tradition in Tibet. Somerville: Wisdom Publications, 2001.

Hopkins J.

Emptiness Yoga. P.156 etc. Snow Lion Publications, 1995.

Thurman R.A.F.

Brilliant Illumination of the Lamp of the Five Stages (Rim lnga rab to gsal ba’i sgron me). Introduction and Translation. New York: The American Institute of Buddhist Studies / Colombia University Center for Buddhist Studies / Tibet House US, 2010.

Tsepak Rigzin.

Tibetan English Dictionary of Buddhist Terminology Dharamsala.: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1986.

*1 Отождествление Тома Ярналла. Том Ярналл в своём ещё не опубликованном переводе этой главы Нагрима отмечает: This text is the *Bodhisambhara[ka], ascribed to Nagarjuna, and extant only in Chinese as the pu ti zi liang lun (Taisho 1660; the verse cited here is v. 64, appearing at iv 532a.19-20). Chr. Lindtner notes that “the fact that the scope of the text was known to Bu-ston... renders it likely that a Tibetan version may have existed, and perhaps still does” (Master of Wisdom, p. 305; special thanks to Paul Hackett for the above citations). This apparently well-known verse is cited also in several other indigenous Tibetan texts; and the same verse is quoted in Candrakirti’s Bodhisattva-yogacara-catuhsataka-tika (Toh. 3864; Derge vol. 103, YA), at folio 191a.3-4.

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