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Work-out for practical study №2

Theme: “The heart and the vascular system”

Lexics:Words and word combinations to the theme


Phonetics: Reading of the sound [ a: ]


Word formation: the suffixes - ous, -ary, -ery, -ory


Grammar: Functions of Present Participle and Past Participle


Aim: Didactic aims:

To form in students the following components of competence:

Educational (cognitive) component:

4. to form students’ knowledge on medical terms translation, using general knowledge of students from Latin and Greek languages (phonetical, orthographical peculiarities of medical terms)

5. to form students’ knowledge on using the suffixes: -ous, -ary, -ery, -ory

6. to form students’ knowledge on using Present Participle and Past Participle in various sentences and in various meanings


Practical component (Operational component):

3. to form students’ skills on audition, reading and translation of text with and without a dictionary.

4. to form students’ skills of necessary information extraction from a text, its generalization

and interpretation with an aim of use in process of studying – professional contacts.


Self- studying component:

3. to form students’ skills of work with professional medical supplementary dictionaries.

4. to form students’ habits on working with additional grammar books to gain necessary information.


Urgency of the theme:Medical students must understand the importance of theme “The heart and the vascular system” studying, because in their future professional activity as doctors-therapeutists they will examine the hearts of their patients, establish correct diagnosis of heart diseases and prescribe proper treatment. In order to become good doctors, medical students must know well normal and pathological anatomy of human heart and main functions of vascular system, their significance anatomy for human organism. Medical students must also know well the special clinical terminology to describe of human heart.




7. Chabner D.-E. The Language of Medicine.- Moscow, 1981- pp. 144-146

8. Eristavi N.N. Practical textbook in English for Medical High Schools- Moscow, 1981,

pp. 30-31

9. Maslova A. M. Essential English for Medical students.- Moscow,2002, pp. 78-82

10. Reznik R.V. Sorokina T.S. English grammar- Moscow, 1991- pp. 97-100

11. Trofimov V.N. Grammar exercises and tests – Minsk, 1997-pp.46-49

12. Vyborova G. E. Makhmuryan K.S. English tests- Moscow, 1997-103p.


5. to teach the students to make morphological word analysis (prefix, root, suffix, in- flexional ending)

6. to teach the students to differ Present and Past Participle

7. to develop in students the skills of monologues compiling on the given theme, compiling dialogues – conversations on studying theme with the use of new lexical and grammar material for vocabulary extending, reading and translation of texts, connected with the theme “The heart and the vascular system”

8. to teach the students to read texts with commentaries and basing of their arguments on facts.


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