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Practical lesson №2 (50 min.)

Procedure of the lesson

Issues to be studied:


1. Word formation: Main functions of suffixes - ous, -ary, -ery, -ory/5 min.

2. Lexics: New words and word combinations to the theme “The heart and the vascular system”/20 min.

3. Reading, translating and discussing texts:

a. “The heart and the Vascular system”.

b. “The valves of the heart”/20 min.

4. Control of competence components formation.Retelling texts with the help of scheme/5 min.

Methods of teaching:

Presentation of new lexical material with the help of verbal –graphic method. (Scheme: “Main functions of suffixes - ous, -ary, -ery, -ory”, mirror cards to lexical material); discussing text contents with the help of associographic method ( Associogram “The circulation of Blood”.), illustrative method (Picture: Anatomy of the Heart”). New information from the texts about “The Heart and the Vascular System” is discussed with the help of problem – searching method (discussing the problem “Significance of the heart and the vascular system for human organism”).


Means of teaching:

Wordformation scheme and lexical cards, special medical dictionary, textbook:

Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students.- Moscow, 2002.-pp. 78-82


I. Explanation of word formation rules/5 min.

1. The suffix –ous forms Adjectives from Nouns and verbs:

Examples: fame- famous, fiber- fibrous

2. The suffixes –ary (-ery, -ory) form nouns and Adjectives:

Examples: surgery, pulmonary, laboratory, respiratory

Main meanings and functions of suffixes - ous, -ary, -ery, -ory are shown in the schemes 1, 2


Scheme № 1

“Meaning and formation of suffix –ous”.



Scheme № 2

“Meaning and functions of suffixes -ary, -ery, -ory”






Fastening of word formation rules.

Audition, reading


Read and translate

1. obvious, adventurous, autonomous, boisterous, cautious, atrocious, arduous, ambiguous,

2. bakery, laboratory, century, surgery

3. pulmonary, respiratory, complimentary, compulsory, temporary, contemporary, auxiliary, boundary, arbitrary, inflammatory.


Speaking, writing


Make up words using the suffixes –ous; -ary; -ery;-ory.


Audition, reading


Read and translate the following words.

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