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Presentation of lexics

Look at the list of the new words

Practice saying the words. Pay attention to the stress

-the students will get acquainted with the structure of the

alimentary tract;

-the students should know lexics & grammar material of the

- theme, use it in monologues & dialogues, to ask & answer the

questions, to improve reading, listening & speaking;

-it would help the student to draw a topic about the structure of

alimentary tract due to the given text.

Vocabulary and pronunciation Listening

Remember the pronunciation of the following words:



Read & pay attention of pronunciation the words

Anus, tongue, pharynx, stomach, colon, muscular membraneous, intestine, mouth, gallbladder, pancreas, pancreas, salivary, locate, estimate, dilate, mouth, jaw, skull.


Remember the pronunciation of the following words & word-combinations & learn them.

a) The lower portion of the stomach, to measure the length of the bone, let me see your tongue, the tongue was coated, the intestines are in the abdominal cavity membraneous, pyriform in shape, the alimentary canal, a thin – walled muscular tube, the salivary glands, the oral cavity, a muscular membraneous canal.



Salivary, a [ sælivəri ]

Anus, n [’einəs]

Abdominal, a [’æbdəmenal ]

Small & large intestine [in’testin]

Mouth, n [ mauθ]

Pelvis, n [pelvis]

Hollow |a | sac, [holou]

Pancreas, n [pæηkriəs]

To lay, v [lei ] past от lie

Weight, n [weit]

To locate, v [lou’ keit]

To connect, v [kə ’nekt]


Combine the adjectives with the proper nouns given below.

translate your word combinations:

Pale, exact, hard, serous, salivary, inner, vital, connective


gland, palate, length, coat, tissue, layer, capacity, face


2. Read & Translate the following words:

Covered – covering; extended – extending; varied – varying; separated – separating; included –including; dilated – dilating; contracted – contracting.


3. Translate the following sentences:

Andreas Vesalius was the first anatomist to describe the structure of the human organs in connection with their functions. 2. To determine the borders of the heart is not an easy matter for a medical student. 3.The doctor changed the treatment to restore the patient s health as rapidly as possible.

Presentation of the text


Pre-reading exercises

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