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Exercise 10. Write a short essay about one week job.

$ Give the right variant:

1. I wish I __more money.

a) have

b) had

c) has

d) having

2.She has worked with many great photographers and some of their experience has rubbed ... on her.

a) to

b) of

c) off

d) up

3. Men are intimidated … female models until they start taking to them.

a) by

b) with

c) on

d) for

4. I wish I___a bit harder at school.

a) will work

b) worked

c) working

d) had worked


fuss [fʌs] суета абыр-сабыр
intimidate [in' timideit] запугивать сескендіру
weird [wiəd] странный оғаш
bully ['buli] задира, хулиган төбелесқор
taunt [tɔ:nt] дразнить абалату
hog [hɔg] пожирать жалмау
edgy ['edʒi] раздражительный ызақор
threaten ['θretən] угрожать қорқыту
affect ['æfekt] оказывать воздействие әсер
perk [pз:k] привилегия, льгота привилегия
Office hours


Read the poem with proper intonation and stress “What Work Is by Philip Levine” [Part III, pp.181], learn it by heart.

Read and translate the texts for specific purpose “Management Secrets: 5 Signs of Good Management”,“Banking” [Part III, pp.210-211] and be ready for discussion.



1. Felicity O’Dell, Annie Broadhead. Objective Student’s book. Cambridge University Press, 2008;

2. Martin Hewings. Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2000;

3. David Cotton, David Falvey “Market Leader Upper –Intermediate” Pearson Longman, 2006;

4.Tricia Aspinall, Annett Capel “Masterclass” CAE, Oxford University Press, 2006;

5.Michael Vince with Peter Sunderland “Advanced. Language Practice” Macmillan; 2003



HAND – OUT № 128 Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits:2 Advanced levelPractical lesson Lexical theme: Business and travelling Grammatical theme: Expressing future plans and arrangements Assistant professor Tassyrova A.K.

Warm-up: Can you give Kazakh or Russian equivalent of the given quotation

“You can't do today's job with yesterday's methods and be in business tomorrow” George W Bush quotes  

GRAMMAR COMMENT: present and future forms [1.p 151]

1. I’m seeingSarah tomorrow. We’re havinglunch together. 2. I’m going tohave my hair cut tomorrow. 3. I’m meetingJohn this evening. 4. I’ll be goingto the supermarket later – do you want anything? 5. The trainleaves in five minutes. Our classesstart next Tuesday. The present continuous is the most common way to talk about arrangements, i.e. fixed plans for the future, when the time and place have been decided. be going to is the most common way to express future plans and intentions. In most cases you can use either going to or the present continuous, but there is a subtle change of emphasis. The present continuous emphasizes that a time and place to do something has been decided; going to emphasize the intention. The future continuous can often be used instead of the present continuous to refer to future arrangements. We can also use the present simple to talk about future events which are part of a timetable or a regular schedule.


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