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Exercise 4. Retell the text using the following questions.

1.What was the success of the boss?

2.The enormous pool was full of what?

3.What did the CEO say to his executives?

4.What of his luxury did the CEO promise to the winner?

5.What happened finally? Who fell down in the pool? And why?


Exercise 5. Discuss the following statements

1.It is perfectly acceptable to call the boss by their first name.

2.You should never socialize with managers after work.

3.Personal calls are acceptable only at certain times of the day.

4.Staying late at the office to finish your work is a sign of inefficiency.

5.It is not advisable to have a romantic relationship with a co-worker.

Exercise 6. Work in groups of three. You want to open a private music school that offers music lessons to people of all ages. Decide:

1.Who is responsible for the areas in the box below.

2.How many extra staff members you will need.

3.Who everyone reports to.

Draw an organigram of the company structure.

Purchasing recruiting teachers advertising registrations legal questions organizing concerts CD and music library planning timetables discipline cleaning and maintenance accounts public relations educational policy sound systems quality and complaints instrument repairs salaries transport and logistics insurance reception and office

[PART III pp. 183; 3, p.35]. Exercise 7. Read and translate the first paragraph of the text.

Corporate culture.

Corporate culture is the collective behavior of people using common corporate visions, goals, values, beliefs, habits, working language, systems, and symbols. It is interwoven with processes, technologies, learning and significant events. In addition, different individuals bring to the workplace their own uniqueness, knowledge, and ethnic culture. So corporate culture encompasses moral, social, and behavioral norms of your organization based on the values, beliefs, attitudes, and priorities of its members. Corporate culture is the shared values and meanings that members hold in common and that are practiced by an organization’s leaders. I think that organizational and corporate culture are formal and informal. They can be studied by observation, by listening and interacting with people in the culture, and by reading what the company says about its own culture, by understanding career path progressions, and by observing stories about the company. Corporate culture is related to ethics through the values and leadership styles that the leaders practice, the company model, the rituals and symbols that organizations value, and the way organizational executives and members communicate among themselves. As a culture, the corporation defines not only jobs and roles it is also sets goals and establishes what counts as success.

Adaptive Cultures.Your corporate culture is good only if it fits its context, i.e. your business space and your business strategy. In today’s rapidly changing economy, only cultures that can help organizations anticipate and adapt to environmental change will be associated with superior performance over the long time. Research findings show that cultures that are externally oriented (e.g. risk taking, readiness to meet new challenges) tend to be more strongly associated with organizational performance than do those cultures which are bureaucratic and predominantly internally focused.

The three levels.Edgar Shein describes the three levels of a corporate culture:

1.Surface level: At this level, culture is both enacted and reinforced through visible appearances and behaviors, such as physical layouts, dress codes, organizational structure, company policies, procedures and programs, and attitudes. 2.Middle level: Here, culture is manifested through our beliefs and values. 3. Deepest level: At this level, culture is manifested through basic assumptions – our long-learned, automatic responses and established opinions.

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