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Exercise 8. Translate the second passage from the given text.

a. Office etiquette, e.g. dress code, punctuality, personal calls, coffee and lunch breaks

b. Relationships with colleagues, management and clients/business partners.

c. Autonomy and initiative.

d. What kind of culture would you prefer to work in?

Exercise 9. Write a short essay on Corporate culture (100 words).


Give the right variant:

1. A date by which you have to do something:

a) insight

b) etiquette

c) deadline

d) broadcasting

2.The amount of work that a person has to do:

a) teleworking

b) broadcasting

c) workload

d) insight

3. The final result of a process:

a) broadcasting

b) workload

c) insight

d) outcome

4. A set of rules for behaving correctly:

a) etiquette

b) modem

c) teleworking

d) deadline


Deadline ['dedlaɪn] мерзім последний срок
Workload ['wɜːkləud] жұмыс көлемі объём работы
Outcome ['autkʌm] нәтиже результат
Offer ['ɔfə] ұсыныс предложение
Determination [dɪˌtɜːmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] жігерлік решительность
Employment [ɪm'plɔɪmənt] жұмыспен қамтамасыз ету занятость
Commitment [kə'mɪtmənt] міндет обязательство
Etiquette ['etɪket] әдеп этикет
Predecessor ['priːdɪˌsesə] бастамашы предшественник
Acceptable [ək'septəbl] жарамды приемлемый


Office hours


Read the poem with proper intonation and stress “Corporate culture” [Part III, p.183] and learn by heart.

Read and translate the text for specific purpose “Marketing strategy”, “Becoming an architect” [Part III, pp.211-212] and be ready for its discussion.



Main literature:

1. New English file (advanced) Student’s book/Work book Clieve Oxenden Christina Latham – Koening. Oxford University Press, 2010

2. The Business. John Allison with Paul Emmerson MACMILLAN.2009

3. Market Leader, upper-interm.by David Cotton, David Falvey. Longman, 2003



HAND-OUT № 130

Discipline: English as a foreign languageCredits: 2

Level : AdvancedPractical lesson

Lexical theme: Fashion

Grammatical theme: Future formsAssociate professor L.B. Nagiyatova

Warm - up

• Do you give time and thoughts to what you wear each day?

• Do you prefer any particular kind of clothes?

• What kind of clothes do you generally wear at home, at weekends, to go out with friends, to meet your boyfriend (girlfriend)?


GRAMMAR COMMENT: Future forms[Martin Hewings. Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press]

will is used to talk about events which are certain to happen, e.g. The next Olympic Games will be in …, or predictions for the future, e.g. with I think … . NB shall is often used with I and we. In spoken English shall and will are frequently abbreviated to ‘ll. going to is used to talk about the strong probability of something happening quite soon, often when there is some visible evidence of what is going to happen, e.g. Look at the appalling way that man’s driving! He’s going to have an accident!

Exercise 1. Choose will (‘ll) or (be) going to, whichever is correct or more likely, and one of these verbs.

1. Get put of the building! It sounds like the generator ‘s going to explore.

2. Tim ……………….early before he reached 65. He mentioned it at the meeting recently.

3. ‘I think I ……………. home across the park.’ ‘That’s a good idea.’

4. Next year, no doubt …………… the competition as the prize money increases.

5. ‘Can we meet at 10.00 outside the station?’ ‘Okay. I ……………… you there.’

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